Review: Loki Episode 3 slows things down but still has a good time

Image: Loki/Disney+
Image: Loki/Disney+ /

Halfway through its run, only Loki could somehow manage to slow things down amid its most action-packed episode yet. Another!

Halfway through its run, Loki switches gears for its action-packed third episode, “Lamentis.” While the first two episodes of this Marvel series focused on Loki’s integration into the bureaucratic Time Variance Authority, “Lamentis” leaves that all behind for a slower, albeit-action packed, jaunt on a dying moon. And while the episode shines the spotlight on Lady Loki (Sophia Di Martino), who we learn goes by the alias Sylvie, like her counterpart, she remains hard to pin down. By episode’s end, we only have hints at Sylvie’s plan, as well as her motivations, but considering that she’s a Loki variant, that all feels par for the course.

Flashing back to Sylvie’s kidnapping of Hunter C-20 (Sasha Lane), we learn that Sylvie can enchant people, and that TVA employees may not be who we think they are. Perhaps most interesting was Sylvie questing after the location of “elevators,” which we can only assume are a means of reaching the Timekeepers. That ultimately appears to be Sylvie’s goal, but for what reason remains to be seen.

We jump forward to Sylvie’s assault on the TVA, now with Loki in tow. there’s a showdown with Mobius’ boss Ravonna, and Loki uses the TVA’s iPhone thingy to transport himself and Sylvie to safety, or at least what he hopes is safety. As it turns out, Loki has transported the pair to another apocalypse: the total destruction of the planet Lamentis by its own moon. And it’s here that the episode diverges from the previous two, slowing things down as the duo attempts to find a way off planet after the battery dies in their time iPhone.

Naturally, the duo do not trust one another, but get to know each other between fist fights and schemes to board a train taking the planet’s wealthiest citizens to an evacuation zone. As variants of one another, comparisons are only natural, and their conversation on the train is a particular delight. Along with confirmation of Loki’s bisexuality, we learn that Sylvie has been hunted her whole life by the TVA, which gives her a motive, but something tells me there will be a bit more to it. We also got a nice throwback to the first Thor film, as Loki gleefully smashes his cup in the same manner as his adopted brother while shouting, “Another!”

One mishap leads to another, and the episode ends with the planet’s escape vessel being destroyed by falling debris, stranding Loki and Sylvie in an imminent apocalypse. I’m guessing that Mobius, who’s absent from this episode, will show up at the last minute to save them.

Perhaps the episode’s biggest reveal comes near the end, when Sylvie reveals that the TVA agents are not in fact created by the Timekeepers, but rather are all variants plucked from the timeline. Is that what the TVA wants with Loki? Does that explain Mobius’ love of jet skis? We’re not sure, but clearly there’s more going on at the TVA than we’ve been led to believe.

Overall, “Lamentis” feels like a change of pace. And yet, like its titular character, Loki can change its facade as easily as snapping its fingers, all without losing its charm. The episode looks gorgeous, with moon debris raining down in almost every shot, and the soundtrack continues to be superb. I would have liked a bit more explanation or backstory on Sylvie, but I’m sure I’ll get it before the series concludes.

With only three episodes left, Loki has begun to unravel the mysteries at its core, but the series will still need to stick the landing. As it is, “Lamentis” is once again a terrific episode.

Grade: B+

Next. George R.R. Martin regrets not staying ahead of Game of Thrones. dark

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