25 bizarre Game of Thrones moments that still make no sense

Image: Game of Thrones/HBO
Image: Game of Thrones/HBO /
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Game of Thrones
Image: Game of Thrones/HBO /

5. The Red Woman loses the necklace

The season 6 premiere, “The Red Woman,” ended on a cliffhanger, but not the one fans were expecting: instead of a resurrected Jon Snow, we were shown Melisandre’s night skincare routine. She removes her robe, then her ruby necklace… and she is suddenly a crone. Even if we wanted to disregard the fact that we’d seen Melisandre without her ruby necklace once before and she didn’t turn into an old woman on the spot, the question still stands: why?

Did they absolutely have to show us the poor old lady’s full body? Why should an elderly woman cause cringe in the first place? And was it necessary to lean into that sentiment even more when they had her get into bed stark naked?

Was there even a point to the scene, besides shock value and the hope it would generate memes and social media discourse? (And the objectification of a woman’s body and the concept that an being an old woman is basically a tragedy?)