“The Nexus Event” is the most twisty, best episode of Loki yet

(L): Mobius (Owen Wilson) and (center): Sylvie (Sophia Di Martino) in Marvel Studios' LOKI, exclusively on Disney+. Photo by Chuck Zlotnick. ©Marvel Studios 2021. All Rights Reserved.
(L): Mobius (Owen Wilson) and (center): Sylvie (Sophia Di Martino) in Marvel Studios' LOKI, exclusively on Disney+. Photo by Chuck Zlotnick. ©Marvel Studios 2021. All Rights Reserved. /

Characters “die” in the latest, thrilling episode of Loki, which is well on its way to being the best Marvel Disney+ series so far.

The fourth episode of Loki, “The Nexus Event,” offers up more twists and turns as the bodies continue to pile up (or disintegrate, to be more accurate). It’s the best episode so far.

From the series premiere, we’ve only had the slightest idea what shenanigans Mobius and the Time Keepers are up to at the TVA, and despite finally meeting the Time Keepers, it’s hard to see what the endgame is, especially after the post-credits scene (which features two Game of Thrones alumni). But vague or not, Loki remains a phenomenally good watch, on par with the best entries in the MCU. (SPOILERS follow below).

Picking up where we left off last week, Loki and Sylvie sit on Lamentis watching its moon crash into the surface of the planet. It’s a wonderfully beautiful backdrop, and really makes you buy into Disney’s line about its TV shows being on the same level as its movies.

Of course, Loki and Sylvie aren’t left to die on Lamentis, as the TVA shows up in the nick of time to rescue/capture them both. But while the TVA showing up isn’t a surprise, the manner in which Mobius and crew locate Loki and Sylvie perhaps hints at the show’s central premise.

From the beginning, Loki has been all about examining its central character, and Loki and Sylvie’s only underlines that theme. Mobius and hunter B-15 are only able to locate Sylvie and Loki when they internally acknowledge their feelings for one another. Something about the duo making a connection sets off a Nexus Event the likes of which neither Mobius nor B-15 has ever seen.

Again, I don’t know exactly where this is headed, but there are bread crumbs sprinkled throughout the episode. After being stuck in a time loop where Loki is beaten over and over again by Lady Sif (Jaimie Alexander), Loki and Mobius’ conversation turns to Loki’s newfound feelings for Sylvie. Together with the episode’s post-credits scene, which reveals a trio of new Loki variants (two of which are played by Richard E. Grant and Deobia Oparei), and it seems Loki might play a bigger part in the fate of the multiverse than previously thought.

We probably won’t get the final answer until the series finale, but in the meantime things are unraveling at the TVA thanks to Sylvie’s knowledge bombs. She and Loki reveal that the TVA agents were not created by the Time Keepers but are rather variants who have been abducted and enslaved to protect the sacred timeline. This knowledge leads both hunter B-15 and Mobius down rabbit holes that eventually lead to their mutinying against the TVA, and ultimately their deaths (at least for now). On a side note, I enjoyed Mobius giving us an idea of the power of the TVA when he said that the organization had brought in Titans (Thanos’ race), Kree (Ronan the Accuser) and vampires before.

Watching Owen Wilson unravel the thread was a delight, as was watching Tom Hiddleston react to his friend’s deletion. Likewise, B-15’s reaction to the memories of her past life (unseen by us) was superb; the cast is killing it. All of it leads to a final throwdown at the feet of the Timekeepers that leaves B-15, Mobius and Loki himself seemingly dead. In Loki’s case we at least see him wake up after his seeming demise, and it’s hard to believe we’ve seen the last of Mobius. At any rate, the Timekeepers are revealed to be simple robotic automatons, and we’re left to wonder who exactly is in charge of this merry little circus.

Of course, all of this could be for naught if Loki doesn’t somehow manage to stick the landing, but unlike shows like Lost, Loki doesn’t appear to be asking more questions than it will be able to answer. What role do Loki and his variants play in the cosmos? Who is actually running the TVA? These are the two principal questions the show will need to answer in its final two episodes to avoid falling into Lost territory. Meanwhile, something tells me we’re in for one hell of a good time and our only problem is going to be leaving these characters behind.

Grade: A+

Next. Review: Loki Episode 3 slows things down but still has a good time. dark

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