Lebron James recently picked up where Michael Jordan left off in Space Jam: A New Legacy, which featured the NBA playing playing opposite the gang from Looney Tunes, along with about a million other references from the WarnerMedia’s huge catalog of properties. But there was one reference that didn’t make the cut. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Lebron James was going to sport some Game of Thrones-esque armor, but it didn’t happen.
Luckily, we don’t have to imagine what that was supposed to look like, thanks to THR:
#SpaceJamANewLegacy costume designer Melissa Bruning reveals she made a #GameofThrones suit of armor for LeBron James that never made it into the film https://t.co/n30kIWPyz5 pic.twitter.com/6mUgOHcUgE
— The Hollywood Reporter (@THR) August 5, 2021
“I cried a little inside that that didn’t make it in,” said Space Jam: A New Legacy costume designer Melissa Bruning.
After seeing this picture of James, I think it’s safe to say we all cried a little bit. But hey, the dragons from Game of Thrones made it into the film, as did the map of Westeros, so it’s not all bad news!
Did Lebron James’ Space Jam movie live up to the original?
Sadly, we’re going to have to go with a resounding nope, not at all. After releasing in theaters and HBO Max last month, the movie was off to a rough start with critics giving it a 27% fresh score on Rotten Tomatoes. On the flip side, regular ‘ol folks like you and me didn’t seem to mind it nearly as much, with an audience score of 80%.
Personally, I enjoyed the nostalgia of it all, and all the pop culture references. It was an easy and fun watch. I mean who can complain when you’ve got Game of Thrones dragons flying around, the Night King and the Iron Giant cheering from the sidelines of the game, and the Jetsons and the Flintstones hanging out together? Oh, and let’s not forget that Rick & Morty cameo!
Lebron James may not be Michael Jordan, but he gave us a new-age version of a timeless movie and wore Game of Thrones armor to top it all off, even if it didn’t make it into the movie.
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h/t Comicbook.com