15 highly anticipated fantasy and science fiction books coming this fall

Image: The Expanse/Amazon Prime Video
Image: The Expanse/Amazon Prime Video /
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6. Far From the Light of Heaven by Tade Thompson (10/26)

Leaving the heavy bounds of the Earth, our next book sees us blasting into space aboard the colony ship Ragtime. Arthur C. Clarke award-winning author Tade Thompson, author of The Wormwood Trilogy, has a new standalone science fiction novel coming out that promises to be filled with deep moral quandaries and spiritual reckonings. Far From the Light of Heaven is billed as a mystery meets sci-fi political thriller in space. The acting captain of the Ragtime has to team up with an investigator and several other intriguing characters to unravel a bloody mystery that is taking place aboard her ship.

Here’s the back-of-book:

"The colony ship Ragtime docks in the Lagos system, having traveled light-years to bring one thousand sleeping souls to a new home among the stars. But when first mate Michelle Campion rouses, she discovers some of the sleepers will never wake. Answering Campion’s distress call, investigator Rasheed Fin is tasked with finding out who is responsible for these deaths. Soon a sinister mystery unfolds aboard the gigantic vessel, one that will have repercussions for the entire system—from the scheming politicians of Lagos station, to the colony planet Bloodroot, to other far-flung systems, and indeed to Earth itself."

We don’t know too much about this book yet, but from what we’ve been able to gather from early reviews it sounds like the team on the Ragtime will deal with a long list of issues ranging from escaped biological experiments to rogue AIs and even some unexpected animal life. To say more would risk spoilers, and dear reader, we would not do such a thing to you.

Far From the Light of Heaven comes out on October 28.