15 highly anticipated fantasy and science fiction books coming this fall

Image: The Expanse/Amazon Prime Video
Image: The Expanse/Amazon Prime Video /
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7. The Veiled Throne by Ken Liu (11/2)

We’re now into November, which is going to be THE MONTH OF BOOKS. It kicks off with the release of The Veiled Throne, the third book in Ken Liu’s Dandelion Dynasty series. This was originally slated to be the final book of the series, but due to the sheer size and majesty of the novel, Liu and his publisher decided to split it in two. The first book, The Veiled Throne, comes out this November, while the final book, The Speaking Bones, is expected to release in 2022.

The Dandelion Dynasty follows Kuni Garu, a man who was once a feckless layabout but who eventually grew an empire on the back of destiny, ambition and war. Over the course of the novels the focus shifts between many characters, especially members of Kuni’s family, namely his daughter Théra. The first novel, The Grace of Kings, gained a huge following when it came out due in no small part to Liu’s incredibly imaginative Asian-inspired fantasy world. There’s an epic, mythical quality to the author’s storytelling that has made The Dandelion Dynasty one of the most notable fantasy series of the past decade.

These novels are a rumination on the corrupting nature of power and rulership, told by one of this generation’s greatest storytellers.

The Veiled Throne lands on November 2.