Every actor cast in The Wheel of Time show, and who they’re playing
By John Fallon
Lolita Chakrabarti as Marin Al’Vere
Marin is Egwene’s strong-willed mother. She is a part of the Women’s Circle, a group of women who help manage the affairs of the village.
Michael Tuahine as Bran Al’Vere
Bran is the Mayor of Emond’s Field and father to Egwene.
David Sterne as Cenn Buie
Cenn Buie is a thatcher in the Two Rivers who’s only purpose in life is to gripe about everything. He sometimes neglects his duties to go off and complain.
Christopher Sciueref as Abell Cauthon
Abell, father to Mat, is widely regarded as being the finest horse trader in the Two Rivers.
Juliet Howland as Natti Cauthon
Natti is Mat’s mother, and lives with her family in the village of Emond’s Field.
Mandi Symonds as Daise Conger
Daise is a local leader in Emond’s Field. Although she can be tough, she has the best interests of the village in mind.