Stranger Things leaves Hawkins behind in season 4 teaser trailer

Stranger Things
Stranger Things /

Netflix has released a new teaser trailer for the fourth season of Stranger Things season 4, and while it’s light on the supernatural, there are still plenty of horrifying things in there: Eleven getting bullied at her new school, gunfire, explosions, Will Byer’s bowl cut…also, the Byers clan (which now includes Eleven) isn’t in Hawkins anymore; they’ve moved to sunny California, which promises to give season 4 a whole new aesthetic.

Watch the teaser trailer below!

Rest assured that there will be plenty of dimension hopping and Lovecraftian horrors in Stranger Things season 4, but this teaser focuses on the human element, which is just as important a part of the show. The series has grown more ambitious with each passing year, and it looks like it’s going to sprawl out wider than ever before.

Stranger Things 4 release date

After that, Netflix released another teaser revealing the episode titles for season 4. Behold:

The episode titles are:

  1. “The Hellfire Club”
  2. “Vecna’s Curse”
  3. “The Monster and the Superhero”
  4. “Dear Billy”
  5. “The Nina Project”
  6. “The Dive”
  7. “The Massacre at Hawkins Lab”
  8. “Papa”
  9. “The Piggyback”

“The Hellfire Club” is a reference to an X-Men comic storyline and “Vecna’s Curse” is a Dungeons & Dragons thing, so the nerdy strain throughout Stranger Things is still alive and well. “Dear Billy” is likely a references to Max’s older brother Billy, who died in season 3. “Papa” could refer to Dr. Martin Brenner, the man who forced Eleven to open the Upside Down as part of an experiment, although it may also refer to her adopted father Sheriff Hopper. And “The Massacre at Hawkins Lab” sounds pretty self-explanatory.

Perhaps best of all, we have a release window: look for Stranger Things season 4 to drop on Netflix in the summer of 2022.

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