Confirmed: Charlie Cox will (probably) return as Daredevil

Photo Credit: Marvel's Daredevil/Netflix
Photo Credit: Marvel's Daredevil/Netflix /

It’s been a while now since Netflix unceremoniously cancelled all of its Marvel shows, which included Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Iron Fist. The cancellations were a casualty of the company’s attempts to consolidate all of its content on Disney+; after all, why let Netflix have access to Marvel shows when Disney+ can be the one-stop shop?

The most popular of these shows to get the boot was Daredevil, which starred Charlie Cox as the titular crime-fighting blind lawyer, real name Matt Murdock. That was the series that began the Netflix Marvel Cinematic Universe, if you will, and it’s the one that fans missed the most.

Naturally, Marvel will bring back the Daredevil character sooner or later, with Netflix even saying back when the show was cancelled that he would “live on in future projects for Marvel.” But would Cox continue to play him? Rumors have swirled for years that he would return, but we never got anything solid. And to be honest, we still haven’t, but we now have something almost as good: Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige telling Cinema Blend that, “If you were to see Daredevil in upcoming things, Charlie Cox, yes, would be the actor playing Daredevil.”

Charlie Cox is back as Daredevil…eventually

Now, to be fair, Feige didn’t say that Charlie Cox would definitely play Daredevil again, just that he would play him if Disney made something with the character again. But c’mon, of course Disney is going to make a Daredevil movie or TV show or something eventually. Daredevil is a very popular Marvel character; they won’t leave him benched for long. If they’re willing to pour tons of money into Ant-Man and the Guardians of the Galaxy and the Eternals, they can certainly spring for more Daredevil content.

So it’s only a matter of time before Cox is back in the red devil suit. Or as Feige puts it, “Where we see that, how we see that, when we see that, remains to be seen.” Some think he could show up as early as December 17, when Spider-Man: No Way Home lands in theaters. Considering how many people are rumored to make cameo appearances in that movie, I wouldn’t be surprised.

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