All the book changes in the sixth episode of The Wheel of Time

©2020 Amazon Prime Video; photo by Jan Thijs
©2020 Amazon Prime Video; photo by Jan Thijs
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Welcome to our weekly feature where we walk you through the latest episode of Amazon’s The Wheel of Time and fill you in on how it differs from The Wheel of Time book series by Robert Jordan. In the latest episode, “The Flame of Tar Valon,” there’s lots of political intrigue within the White Tower, and the episode ends with a shocking twist.

©2020 Amazon Prime Video; photo by Jan Thijs
©2020 Amazon Prime Video; photo by Jan Thijs

The Ways

In the show: Hearing about the threat at the Eye of the World from the Amyrilin Seat, Moiraine decides to take the Two Rivers folk through a Waygate located outside Tar Valon. The Ways allows people to travel vast distances in minimal time. The Ogier know the Ways, so Moiraine brings Loial as a guide.

Mat Cauthon stays behind as the group enters the Waygate. This may have to do with actor Barney Harris exiting the show after season 1 — a different actor will play Mat in season 2. We don’t know why Harris is being replaced, but it looks like he didn’t get to film all of Mat’s scene from the books before he left.

In the books: The group does not reach Tar Valon in the first book. Instead they reunite in the city of Caemlyn, where the Emond’s Fielders, Lan, Moiraine, and Loial discuss what to do next. Moiraine resolves to travel to the Eye of the World, which is located in the Blight, an area desecrated by the Dark One’s influence.

She request Loial’s help to find and open a Waygate, but he kindly refuses. Loial tells them the Ways are dangerous, though Moiraine sees no other option but to use them or face certain death. The next day, Loial leads the company to the Waygate. He opens the gate into the Way, and they all enter one by one. Mat does not stay behind.