Doctor Who is gearing up for a lot of changes next year, with lead actor Jodie Whittaker and showrunner Chris Chibnall both on their way out.
Whoever replaces Whittaker will be paired with former Doctor Who showrunner Russell T Davies, who is making his return as the guy-in-charge. It’s going to be a very exciting time for the franchise!
If you’re feeling down in the dumps about Whittaker’s exit, don’t fret just yet, as we still have three specials to enjoy before her official exit. The first of the three, “Eve of the Daleks,” will air on New Year’s Day.
Doctor Who says farewell to Jodie Whittaker
The episode will also serve as Whittaker’s final holiday special as the Doctor. Mandip Gill, who plays the Doctor’s companion Yaz, spoke to about the emotions that come with that realization. “You don’t think about it, because you’re just doing it,” she said. “Filming’s a long process, and you’re in the moment and you enjoy it, and you think, ‘Well, that’s next year.’ Now it has sunk in a little bit, because of the announcement that somebody else will be taking over from us. Tears will be shed! But not by me, because I’m cold-hearted.”
She may not be crying, but I know for sure I’ll be ugly crying during Whittaker’s final episode. She’s been one of the best we’ve had in a while so it won’t be easy to see her go.
While we know Whittaker and Chibnall are on their way out, the future is still uncertain for Gill. There hasn’t been any announcement about her exit, and it’s possible she’ll stay on to work with another Doctor; it’s happening with companions before, after all.
“We don’t know where the specials and that are heading for everyone’s character, you know?” Gill said. “What’s great about Doctor Who is that the audience are so open to old and new characters all the time. They don’t need a whole new cast every time it starts with a new Doctor. But at the same time when that does happen like it did happen for us [in 2018], they’re also massively on board with that. This show is open to so many options.”
I’m really rooting for Gill to stay on the series after Whittaker leaves. It’d be great for John Bishop to stick around as new companion Dan as well.
Michael Sheen denies he’s taking over on Doctor Who
As for who will play the new Doctor, we don’t know, but the internet has plenty of ideas. One popular choice is Good Omens star Michael Sheen, but he shot that idea down talking to Metro.
“I must say I’m very flattered that there’s been a lot of people, particularly Doctor Who fans, who have said they would like to see me as Doctor Who,” Sheen said. “That’s incredibly flattering. I have to say – none of those people work on Doctor Who. So I have not heard from them. I would be very surprised myself if, when the Doctor transforms, it is me.”
"Because, presumably, the person who’s doing it knows already. And it ain’t me!"
But if was you, you would tell us, right Michael?

Jodie Whittaker names who she wants to replace her as the Doctor
But if not Sheen, then who will the next Doctor be? Why not ask Whittaker herself? That’s what one fan did when she gave an interview on BBC Radio 1 the other day, and she had an answer ready. “If we had the power to choose, I’m going to pick an actress who I think is really exciting and I think would be phenomenal, an actress called Lydia West.”
West is a 28-year-old British actor who has appeared in shows like Years and Years and It’s a Sin, both of which were produced by Russell T. Davies, who’s returning as Doctor Who showrunner for the upcoming fourteenth season after being away for years. So seeing West in the role isn’t terribly far-fetched.
Of course, Whittaker doesn’t actually have the authority to pick a new Doctor, but she’s closer to it than any of us. Maybe she knows something…
Doctor Who’s 2022 New Year’s Day special, “Eve of the Daleks,” will air on Sunday, January 1 on BBC America.
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h/t Independent