X-Ray 3 — “Win or Lose”
When to watch: After Episode 3, “Force Projection”
"The doctrine of One Ship encompasses both tension and resolution with no favor to either. Conflict and acceptance, unified into something greater."
The third episode of “One Ship” finally eases off the emotional gut punches…by focusing on actual punches. “Win or Lose” features Amos Burton (Wes Chatham) and Bobbie Draper (Frankie Adams). In the wake of the spaceship battle with Marco Inaros at the end of “Force Projection,” Amos and Bobbie are cleaning up the ship’s supplies and putting everything back in order. Bobbie makes a comment about how under-manned the Rocinante is for its size, Amos shoots back a snarky retort, and before you can blink twice the two are in a sniping battle of wits. It’s great fun, and the two actors have amazing chemistry.
So #TheExpanse603 XRay episode, "Win or Lose," is my favorite of them all.
— James S.A. Corey (@JamesSACorey) December 24, 2021
I got to add a bit of the back and forth between Bobbie and Amos to Glenton and Wes's draft, and Amazon's note was, "This is way too mean."
You want people sniping at each other, hire me to do rewrites.
Eventually, they start to actually get to each other, and the sniping turns to thinly veiled (if still amicable) threats. Bobbie suggests they settle things by sparring, with some simple rules. The first one to fall on the ground has to clean up the rest of the equipment by themselves. Amos agrees, then asks for some clarification…and as Bobbie is answering, he rushes her.
But this is Bobbie, and she is not to be messed with. She immediately gets Amos in a choke-hold. “Go to sleep, little man,” she cajoles, as Amos slips closer to unconsciousness. But at the last minute, the Roci mechanic manages to get the hand terminal out of his pocket and set off the ship’s alarms. Bobbie lets him go thinking there’s an actual emergency, and Amos throws her to the ground.
And just like that, we see the tension and resolution that the intro talked about. The two are laughing together, and the episode ends with Amos leaving Bobbie to clean up the mess. It’s a great moment that just deepens the relationship between the two baddest fighters on the Rocinante.