The Last Kingdom season 5: All episodes reviewed and explained

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The Last Kingdom season 5
The Last Kingdom season 5 /

Episode 4

This episode is really all about the ending, so let’s start there. Edward. Dude. You just killed a bunch of local nobles to prevent them from electing your own niece as the new ruler of Mercia. Instead, Edward puts himself on the throne, reasoning that his father Alfred would have wanted one king ruling as many kingdoms as possible to achieve his dream of a united England.

Would Alfred have stepped over his own daughter to see it happen? Honestly, probably. But Edward will piss off a bunch of people with this move. The families of those noblemen, for one. Aethelhelm is royally pissed since he wanted his grandson Aelfweard on the throne. I can’t imagine Aelswith will be too pleased with her son for spitting on her daughter’s wishes…or maybe she’ll agree that it’s what Alfred would have wanted?

Aethelstan is mad at Edward too, although that’s party because he was nearly killed himself when Edward’s assassins took out the noblemen. “It is good to see you, Aethelstan,” isn’t really a good enough apology from Edward, and I don’t blame Aethelstan for deciding to stay with Uhtred over his dad.

As for Uhtred, he’s philosophical about it. “It is no way to become a king, Uhtred,” Aethelstan says. “I think it might be the only way,” Uhtred replies. Oh Uhtred, you’ve seen too much.

Anyway, this was an intense way to end a fairly sleepy episode. It underlines the uselessness of applying terms like “heroes” and “villains” to these characters…well, at least to the good ones. Is Edward a despotic tyrant, or is he right when he says, “Better the blood of the few than the blood of the many.” Discuss amongst yourselves.

It makes me want to know more about Edward’s internal life and his contradictions, which we may get now that Eadgifu is becoming his partner, much to the sadness of his wife Aelflaed, who I do feel for; the girl just wants to make her tapestry, why do you gotta be a dick to her, Edward? Once again, the show is swimming in some choppy waters here and doing a decent job of it.

Elsewhere, we spend a fair amount of time with Uhtred and Aethelflaed as they connect one last time before her death. It’s pretty heartbreaking. “I have dreamed of us,” Uhtred says. Oof. “You are carrying so much pain,” says Aethelflaed. Aaagh. Nothing hits you in the melodramatic feels like a doomed love affair.

Finally, we catch up with Brida, who’s on the run and has taken the priest Pyrlig (Cavan Clerkin) hostage. I’ve thought Brida was a bit too distant and unknowable so far this season, but “Episode 4” finally humanizes her as she and Pyrlig bond over the death of her daughter. The more sides we see of Brida, the better, whether her story ends in a bloody confrontation with Uhtred or more quietly.

The Last Bullet Points

  • I have two words for Sigtryggr’s brother as he attempts to take nine steps with that burning brand in hand: Walk. Faster.
  • Aethelflaed bringing the gallows humor: “I do not wish to lie still. There will be time enough for that.”

The Last Kingdom Episode Grade: B

– Dan