The Walking Dead franchise already produced several spinoff shows. Fear the Walking Dead is currently still going strong in its seventh season, while the limited series World Beyond has finished airing its two seasons. Looking ahead, AMC has ordered a show following Daryl (Norman Reedus) and Carol (Melissa McBride) as well as Isle of the Dead, which will follow the unlikely duo of Maggie (Lauren Cohan) and Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan). There’s also an anthology series called Tales of The Walking Dead in the works. And finally, Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) will return for some movies…which we know weirdly little about.
That’s a lot of zombies. The question is: how long will it be before fans get bored? Because if there’s one thing The Walking Dead has been accused of time and time again, it’s retreading familiar territory.
Colman Domingo (Victor Strand) isn’t worried about The Walking Dead spinoff fatigue
Digital Spy recently asked Fear the Walking Dead star Colman Domingo (Victor Strand) about how much life is left in the franchise. Domingo believes that the story will continue to reinvent itself. “What I really loved about the show from when the original Walking Dead began, was that it was taking us from the beginning, and challenging people to imagine, ‘Who would you become?’ You think you would be this person. You think this person, the blood relative, is the person that perhaps gets you through, but maybe it’s your neighbor instead, or someone you felt like you had nothing in common with,” he said.
"So it’s a great examination of our humanity. So I think there’s lots and lots of story, and I think that they have been very wise about the way they tell it. And I think that it could continue to go far – it can go far into the future, and far into the past. So I think that’s kind of cool."
And it’s not just the survivors who change as the story goes on; it’s the zombies, too. As seen in the World Beyond season 2 post-credit scene, there appears to be a new variant of the zombie virus in France, resulting in faster, stronger zombies. I’m sure our group won’t be calling these ones “walkers.”
With additions like running zombies, the writers are definitely trying their hardest to future-proof the Walking Dead Universe.
The Walking Dead season 11 airs Sundays on AMC. Meanwhile, Fear the Walking Dead season 7 will return on April 24.
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