Raised by Wolves is one of the boldest, weirdest science fiction shows airing right now, and its season 2 finale, “Happiness,” is a good example of why. However, one of the biggest reveals of the episode wasn’t any particularly huge plot twist (although there were those too), but the reveal of a certain actor’s face.
Ever since the beginning of season 2, Father (Abubakar Salim) had been working to “regrow” the remains of an ancient android he found in a cavern near the Atheist Collective settlement. His attempts eventually bears fruit in the form of a primordial android dubbed “Grandmother.” She is believed to have some similar structural workings to Necromancer class androids like Lamia, but is also capable of radiating light and knows the truth of why Kepler-22b’s ancient human inhabitants devolved. In short, Grandmother is privy to many of the answers we’ve all been waiting for.
Up until the season finale, Grandmother was always seen with a veil covering her face. We came to learn that it is a sensory filter, and in the penultimate episode, “Feeding,” a plan was hatched to transplant the veil to Mother in order to confuse her caregiving protocols enough to allow her to kill her flying serpent baby. Of course, there was more to the story, and the beginnings of Grandmother’s ploy only became clear once it was too late for Mother to do anything to stop her.

Who plays Grandmother in Raised by Wolves?
The eerie Grandmother android in Raised by Wolves is portrayed by Selina Jones. This is the English actor’s first major role. According to an interview with ScreenRant, Jones had never seen the show before entering into the casting process, but quickly took to it after Mother’s assault on the Ark spaceship in the opening episode.
Despite being a relative unknown before the show, it’s very easy to see how Jones ended up landing the part. Her acting as Grandmother is some of the most halting android acting of the entire series to date. Considering the large role she played in the finale, it’s likely we’re going to be seeing a lot more of Jones if Raised by Wolves returns for a third season.
The first two seasons of Raised by Wolves are available now to stream on HBO Max. There’s no word yet on whether the show will be renewed for a third season.
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