We’re rapidly approaching a new era of Doctor Who. Jodie Whittaker will play the Doctor for two more episodes, the first of which is out this Easter, before she makes way for a new star. We don’t know who it will be, but we do know that Russell T Davies, who revived Doctor Who back in 2005, is returning as showrunner. There’s a lot happening, and with the show coming up on its 60th anniversary next year, fans expect fireworks. Perhaps Davies will bring back some of the stars for a big blowout?
They sound down for it. Just the other day, Karen Gillan — who played the companion Amy Pond during Matt Smith’s tenure as the Eleventh Doctor — said she would return if she had the right costars, particularly Smith and Arthur Darvill (Rory). Smith, at least, sounds like he’s in.
It’s Gone Viral: Presents recently asked Smith, who will play Daemon Targaryen on HBO’s upcoming Game of Thrones prequel series, if he would rather star in a Morbius sequel alongside Jared Leto or return to the role of Doctor, and Smith didn’t have to think about it too hard. “Doctor Who, he said. “Doctor Who’s the best. Doctor Who’s the best part in the world, you know.”
"@igvpresents We just want to see Matt Smith as The Doctor again ❤️ #doctorwho #doctorwhoedit #doctorwhotiktok #doctorwhomemes #mattsmith #mattsmithdoctorwho #mattsmithedit #morbius #morbiusmovie #karengillan #amypond #amypondedit #doctorwhofans #thedoctor #doctorwhofan ♬ Doctor Who Theme – TV Version – Murray Gold"
Matt Smith: Playing the Doctor is “unbeatable”
Smith is currently starring in Morbius, where he plays the villain to Jared Leto’s also-kind-of-a-villain-but-nicer vampire doctor protagonist. Reviews on that one have been rough, so maybe it’s natural that he’d rather return to the Doctor Whoniverse. “That’s not to say I wouldn’t love to be in a Morbius sequel with Jared because I would,” Smith continued, “but, you know, the Doctor’s the Doctor – unbeatable. All part of the plan.”
We’ll have to see what the Doctor Who producers have in store. In the meantime, you can see Matt Smith in Morbius starting April 1. And House of the Dragon comes out on August 21. He has a busy year.
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h/t Radio Times