14. Epic Scale
Some fans complain that the prequels are a mess because Lucas is trying to do “too much.” There’re too many characters, too many plotlines, too many planets, too many adventures, etc. I’d argue that he didn’t do enough! Why do you think The Clone Wars is so successful? Lucas sets up an entire war full of unique characters, gives us dense backstory on characters from the original trilogy (Obi-Wan, Boba Fett), and introduces us to an entirely new era of his universe.
Sometimes, it seems as if by trying to appease studios and fans, Lucas was forced to compromise certain aspects and details of his full vision, leaving some of them only half-realized. I’m greatly looking forward to the continued Disney+ expansion shows, and am hopeful that we get more content in this era of Star Wars.

15. Brotherhood — This IS STAR WARS!
At the heart of Star Wars is a story about love, compassion, and brotherhood. It’s always about one generation (Yoda, Obi-Wan, Vader) struggling to prevent a younger generation (Luke, Leia, Rey), from making the same mistakes they made in their past. The relationship between these characters is what anchors the story. Otherwise, it’s just space wizards fighting monsters!
Each installment of the prequel series is deeply true to this theme. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan in The Phantom Menace, Obi-Wan and Anakin in Attack of the Clones, and Anakin and Palpatine in Revenge of the Sith. Lucas weaves this theme into every single subplot throughout the trilogy. Yoda with Dooku, the Jedi Council with everybody, Anakin with Padme, Boba Fett with Jango Fett. Even the way the Republic is seeking to exert control of the galaxy for its touches on this theme. The dangers of trying to protect those we love by controlling or holding power over them instead of listening and respecting one another are exactly what bring down the Jedi, leads Anakin to the Dark Side and leads to the fall of the Republic. Lucas takes the themes of Star Wars and applies them on a universal level. It doesn’t get more Star Wars than this!
I’m not saying that you have to like the prequel movies. They can be messy and definitely aren’t for everyone. But as a Star Wars superfan, I’ll take any one of these movies over a travesty like The Rise of Skywalker any day of the week. All I ask is that you give them another watch if it’s been a while since you last sampled them.
Star Wars is meant to be fun and unique. It’s meant to be messy and imperfect. That’s what makes it so amazing.
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