The Flash aired its season 8 finale last week, and filming begins soon on its ninth season. At the conclusion of season 9, The Flash will officially surpass Arrow as the longest-running Arrowverse show. Normally, I’d be very excited about such an achievement, but let’s be honest, this series should have ended a couple of years ago.
Whatever your feelings about that, The CW has kept the series going despite all its recent string of cancellations. I have a feeling that they want The Flash to surpass Arrow, and then they’ll axe it.
In an interview with Deadline, The Flash showrunner Eric Wallace addressed whether or not there could be future spinoffs for the series. “No, because you really don’t start looking at spinoffs until you think you’re not coming back, and I’m not thinking that way,” he laughed.
Will there be spinoffs for The Flash?
That said, Wallace has an idea for how to get the spinoff train rolling. “[W]e’ve introduced a lot of characters over the last couple of seasons,” he said. “I would say to the audience, if you have some characters that we have introduced in the last few years that you want to see in a spinoff, you should write to The CW. But I’m going to just stay focused on The Flash right now before I start focusing on anything else.”
Honestly, I wouldn’t mind a spinoff featuring just the Rogues; Captain Cold, Pied Piper, Boomerang, Heat Wave, Weather Wizard, etc.
I think the best spinoff would be one about the future children of Iris (Candice Patton) and Barry (Grant Gustin), Bart (Jordan Fisher) and Nora (Jessica Parker Kennedy). They are, hands down, the best part of the series, and if there was anything to be excited about this past season, it was their cameo appearances.
The verdict is still out on what the future of The CW looks like, and whether or not there will be a network to even have spinoffs on. Time will tell what the future holds for The Flash, but as we wait to find out, you can start creating your list of spinoff ideas! Maybe The CW will listen…
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h/t SYFY Wire