5. Alien vs. Predator: Requiem (2007)
After the critical flop of Alien vs. Predator, there was a hard course correct in 2007’s Alien vs. Predator: Requiem. The premise of Requiem is that after the catastrophic events of the first AVP, a xenomorph facehugger infects a Predator. This leads to a new hybrid (known by fans as the Predalien) getting loose in a rocky mountain town and spreading its xenomorph progeny about. To cover up the threat, a seasoned Predator Elite comes to Earth on a mission to eliminate them all for…reasons? Honestly, the motivations are pretty thin.
Unlike the first Alien vs. Predator, Requiem tried real hard to earn its R rating…too hard. The movie takes a cookie-cutter horror movie formula and slaps Aliens and Predators into it. The characters are two-dimensional, the plot non-existent, and the film itself so dark it’s difficult to see what’s going on most of the time. But when you can see what’s going on, it’s pretty horrific. The Predalien’s attack on a maternity ward is just as disturbing as you’d imagine, almost as if some studio executive was upset about how family-friendly AVP was and wanted things to be as gruesome as possible.
For all that, Requiem is a marked improvement over the goofiness of AVP and the bombastic action of The Predator. The Predalien is an interesting idea, and unlike the first AVP, the Predator in this movie is a bonafide terror to any xenomorph caught in its way. Requiem also deserves a special nod for being the first and only movie to give us a real look at the Predator homeworld. We also meet Ms. Yutani, one of the founders of the Weyland-Yutani Corporation that’s so important in the Alien movies.
Despite having a decent return on physical DVD sales, Alien vs. Predator: Requiem was a big enough failure that the studio decided not to make any more crossover movies, which I think we can all probably agree is for the best.