Mark Ruffalo: She-Hulk will be in the next Avengers lineup

Tatiana Maslany as Jennifer "Jen" Walters/She-Hulk in Marvel Studios' She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, exclusively on Disney+. Photo courtesy of Marvel Studios. © 2022 MARVEL.
Tatiana Maslany as Jennifer "Jen" Walters/She-Hulk in Marvel Studios' She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, exclusively on Disney+. Photo courtesy of Marvel Studios. © 2022 MARVEL.

With no more Iron Man, Captain America, and Black Widow, the original Avengers team is kaput. But we’re already meeting the heroes who will likely replace them. For instance, there’s Kate Bishop from Hawkeye, Ms. Marvel, Shang-Chi, and so on. And we can probably add She-Hulk (Tatiana Maslany) to the ranks, because there has to be a Hulk in the Avengers, right? Her new show premieres today:

During SDCC, Marvel President Kevin Feige announced a double bill of Avengers movies set for 2025, named The Kang Dynasty and Secret Wars. That’ll be the first time that the superhero group has assembled since Avengers: Endgame in 2019, this time with a host of new members. Mark Ruffalo, who plays Hulk and has developed a reputation for letting Marvel secrets slip out, told The Hollywood Reporter that She-Hulk will be a part of that adventure. “She’s in now, there’s not going to be another Avengers without her,” he said. As for whether he’ll be involved, we don’t know.

Ruffalo isn’t the only Marvel family member who’s made a habit of speaking out of turn. Speaking to, Owen Wilson said that Disney has reprimanded him “multiple times” for spilling stuff about Loki, where he plays TVA agent Mobius M. Mobius. “I immediately get kind of self-conscious because they’re so kind of uptight,” Wilson said. “When I let it slip that I’m wearing a mustache [as] Agent Mobius, I got an ominous text saying ‘Strike One.’ I don’t know who that was from. We looked into it and we think it might have been Kevin Feige using a burner phone or something. But that was never confirmed.”

Hulk and She-Hulk tap into their power in different ways

As for Maslany, she talked about what went through her head when she saw herself as the signature green Hulk for the first time. “I couldn’t believe it,” she said. “I saw an early rendering of She-Hulk about a month into us filming, and I couldn’t believe that I could see her breathing and thinking. I just believed it and was so grateful that the artists were so incredibly nuanced in their work. I felt like everything I did was there, which was exciting.”

According to She-Hulk executive producer Jessica Gao, Jennifer Walters and Bruce Banner transform into Hulks in different ways. “Socially and culturally, we have conditioned girls to have a very different relationship to their feelings,” she said. “They have to temper their emotions a lot more, and there’s a double standard in what we allow in terms of anger from women and from men. That was very important for us to be truthful about in the show.”

I can’t wait to see how this pans out onscreen. She-Hulk: Attorney At Law is now streaming on Disney+. New episodes drop weekly.

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