Take the Black: Let’s talk about House of the Dragon Episode 2

House of the Dragon. Photograph by Ollie Upton / HBO
House of the Dragon. Photograph by Ollie Upton / HBO /

Opening credits, dragon eggs and child brides: We break down the latest episode of House of the Dragon, “The Rogue Prince.”

Another new episode of House of the Dragon aired the other night, which means it’s time for another new episode of Take the Black, our weekly recap show. Watch below as we hit the highlights of “The Rogue Prince”! What did we make of the show’s new opening credits, how uncomfortable were we when King Viserys went on a first date with a 12-year-old, and how cool was it when Rhaenyra confronted her uncle on Dragonstone? All that and more, below:

What is going on with Mysaria’s accent? What’s with the varying quality level of the wigs? More or less maggots? There’s a lot to talk about.

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We’ll be breaking down each new episode of House of the Dragon on Sunday night at 9:30 p.m. CST, 30 minutes after it airs. Join us on the WinterIsComing Facebook or YouTube page!

We also stream every Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. CST in the same places, to talk about some of the things going on in the worlds of sci-fi, fantasy, TV and movies apart from House of the Dragon. There’s always lots to talk about!

Next. “The Rogue Prince” is a sleepy sophomore outing for House of the Dragon. dark

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