Very rarely are there characters on Game of Thrones or House of the Dragon who could be described as plainly good, or even well-intentioned. The World of Ice and Fire is full of people constantly looking out for their own best interests, fueled by jealousy and hatred, and operating outside the confines of the law. In the most recent episode of House of the Dragon, “We Light The Way,” audiences spent some time with one character who personifies these traits, and were introduced to another who breaks the mold.

House of the Dragon’s brutal depiction of medieval-era medicine has been one of the high points of this series. From leechings to moon teas to maggots and dangerous C-sections, it’s clear that Westeros would undoubtedly benefit from a little science, perhaps a CDC or a Dr. Fauci to help them out. As evident from the deteriorating condition of King Viserys, the remedies employed by the elderly Grand Maester Mellos aren’t helping. But, a new character stood by the king’s side along with Mellos and offered a glimmer of hope, as well as foreshadowed developments to come.
The new Game of Thrones prequel series has mastered the art of blink-and-you’ll-miss-it character introductions. This weekly series of articles is practically built on these, and “We Light The Way” continued the trend with the introduction of Maester Orwyle.
Beware: We get into SPOILERS below.

Maester Orwyle will be an important player in House of the Dragon
As Grand Maester Mellos continues to treat Viserys with leechings that are having little to no effect, a younger maester suggests a new form of treatment. This is Maester Orwyle (Kurt Egyiawan), who has a bigger role than this cameo appearance would suggest.
In George R.R. Martin’s book Fire & Blood, Grand Maester Mellos eventually dies, with Queen Alicent and Princess Rhaenyra disagreeing about who should replace him. However, naming a new Grand Maester is the job of the Citadel, not the king, and it’s the calm, peaceful, forward-thinking Orwyle who gets the job. While the trailer for the upcoming episode makes it look like Viserys is in worse condition than before, that will be despite Orwyle’s earnest attempts to help. The king’s life is eventually reinvigorated by Orwyle’s treatments, and he earns the trust of both Rhaenyra and Alicent for his work.

A young man who is one of the few at court to earn the favor of both the Queen and the Princess, Orwyle is awkwardly situated right in the middle of things when the matter of succession boils into civil war. In Fire & Blood, accounts differ as to the role Orwyle plays in the war. Orwyle himself writes about his experiences, making sure to paint himself in the most sympathetic light possible. It will be fascinating to see how the show develops this character.

Getting to know Larys Strong
Larys “The Clubfoot” Strong made his first appearance during the third episode, at Viserys’ hunt. Book-readers like myself were shaking with a mixture of glee and anxiety when he turned up again in “We Light The Way,” whispering into Alicent’s ear and subtly affecting the events to come.
Fire and Blood describes Larys as a cunning and quiet man, preferring to keep his own counsel and listen rather than speak. “The Clubfoot” is one of the more mysterious figures in Westerosi history, and his loyalties and goals throughout the Dance of the Dragons are unclear. As shown in his first real scene in the godswood with Queen Alicent, Larys hides behind his meek stature, carefully using information he has gathered to stoke rivalries and make allies. Between Lady Mysaria and Larys Strong, the powerful lords and ladies at court are unknowingly being manipulated to hate and distrust one another, ultimately stoking the fires that will erupt into war.
Larys acts innocent and friendly, but he knows exactly what he’s doing in feeding damaging information about Rhaenyra to Alicent while positioning himself as a useful ally to have at court. Larys is always a few steps ahead, and it will be fascinating to see how House of the Dragon clears up rumors about him only hinted at in the pages of Fire and Blood.

Meanwhile, Lady Laena’s flirtation with Daemon suggests their future marriage. House of the Dragon is full of moments like this, and we only expect them to keep coming.
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