Queen Rhaenyra’s yellow dragon Syrax is currently residing on Dragonstone with the rest of the black faction. Although we’ve seen Rhaenyra ride Syrax many times throughout season 1, Syrax is relatively young and hasn’t seen battle yet. Syrax has laid several clutches of eggs that are being collected on Dragonstone and protected by the dragonkeepers.

Possibly the most experienced dragon fighting for the blacks, Caraxes is ridden by Prince Daemon. He is a red male dragon also known as the Blood Wyrm. Caraxes was previously ridden by Rhaenys’ father Aemond, who said of Caraxes “he does love to burn.” House of the Dragon has been playing with the idea that the dragons and their riders have traits in common. Caraxes and Daemon are the prime example of this, as they both get aggressive when provoked. Perhaps because they’re so similar in temperament, the bond between Daemon and Caraxes may be the strongest of any rider-dragon bonds we’ve seen so far on the show, with Caraxes sensing Daemon’s moods and sometimes seeming to respond to his mere thoughts.
Presumably, Caraxes is currently residing on Dragonstone waiting for Daemon to use him in battle again. Caraxes played a big part in the war in the Stepstones, and years ago Aemond used him in one of the Dornish wars to burn a fleet of ships. Caraxes is about 65 years old during episode 10.

Another older dragon, Meleys is ridden by Princess Rhaenys, the Queen who Never Was. Known as the Red Queen, Meleys is another red dragon. She used to be ridden by Viserys and Daemon’s mother Alyssa Targaryen. Fire & Blood says that Alyssa even took Viserys and Daemon riding on Meleys when they were both toddlers. Meleys was claimed by Rhaenys after Alyssa died in childbirth.
When Rhaenys married Corlys Veleryon, she insisted on riding Meleys to the ceremony. In Episode 10, Rhaenys volunteers to patrol blackwater bay with Meleys. Although her exact age is unknown, she is roughly the same age as Caraxes.

Vermax is a young dragon who hatched after his egg was placed in the cradle of Jace Veleryon, Rhaenyra’s oldest son and heir. We first saw Vermax eating a goat in Episode 6, and Jace took him out on his diplomatic mission to the Vale and the North in Episode 10. Hopefully these two fare better than Luke did.
We have not seen Tyraxes yet, but just like Vermax, he was hatched in the cradle of one of Rhaenyra’s children, Joffrey. Since Joffrey is less than 10 years old in Episode 10, Tyraxes is probably not large enough to ride yet.

Moondancer is a pale green dragon that belongs to Daemon’s daughter Baela. We have yet to see Moondancer in the show, but she is a slender dragon that has not seen combat experience.

Rhaenyra’s former husband Laenor used to ride Seasmoke, a pale silver-grey dragon that saw battle in the Stepstones. During the black war council, we learn from Daemon that Seasmoke still resides on Driftmark, which means Laenor abandoned his dragon when he fled the island after faking his own death. It is unknown if another rider can tame and mount Seasmoke while Laenor is still alive.

Vermithor, also called the Bronze Fury, is a male dragon that was once ridden by the Old King Jaehaerys Targaryen, grandfather to Viserys and Daemon. As of Episode 10, Vermithor is one of the largest dragons in the world, second only to Vhagar. Like Dreamfyre, Vermithor is about 100 years old at the time of the Dance.
We see Daemon visit Vermithor in Episode 10 and sing him what sounds like a Valyrian lullaby . Since Vermithor is riderless, the blacks will likely try to find him a rider in season 2, since it would give them a weapon against Vhagar. His lair is located in the Dragonmont, a volcano on the island of Dragonstone.
Like Vermithor, Silverwing lives in the Dragonmont and is currently riderless. This silver she-dragon is about 100 years old and used to be the mount of Queen Alysanne Targaryen, wife of King Jaehaerys.

Arrax (deceased)
Rhaenyra’s second son Lucerys rode the dragon Arrax, which hatched in the cradle of the young prince. In Episode 10, we see Lucerys fly Arrax on his mission to negotiate with Borros Baratheon, the lord of Storm’s End. Unfortunately, Aemond Targaryen and Vhagar were already there finalizing a deal with Borros that would secure his allegiance to the greens through a marriage pact.
Still angry with Lucerys for slashing out his eye when they were kids, Aemond moves to attack the boy, but Borros forbids him from shedding blood in his hall. Lucerys leaves on Arrax but is pursued by Aemond in the air, where their dragons fight each other despite their riders commanding otherwise. In the end, the much larger Vhagar gnashes Arrax and Lucerys to bits.
Arrax is the first dragon to die in the Dance. But will he be the last?
Although they were not mentioned by name, Daemon says that there are three wild dragons living on Dragonstone; these dragons have never had riders, so they will be even harder to mount than usual.
One of these wild dragons is Sheepstealer, a brown dragon who gets his name for obvious reasons. This dragon has a taste for mutton and even eats the occasional sheepdog, but has never harmed a shepherd. He is not known to be aggressive towards humans unless provoked. He is around 50 years old at the time of the Dance.
Grey Ghost
Pale grey-white, Grey Ghost is a shy dragon who can go for years at a time without being seen by humans. He prefers to eat fish and can sometimes be seen skimming over the Narrow Sea snatching prey from the water.
The Cannibal
It’s not clear how old the Cannibal is, although he’s definitely the oldest of the three wild dragons on Dragonstone. He got his name because he is known to eat other dragons, including newborns and even dragon eggs. People are safest if they steer clear of him.
And those are all the dragons that we’ve seen or heard mentioned on House of the Dragon so far. Now to watch them dance.
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