Tom Holland, who has portrayed Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe since 2016, is rumored to have signed a new deal with Disney to appear in six upcoming projects. The alleged projects include another Spider-Man movie trilogy, two Avengers movies and an appearance in the Disney+ show Daredevil: Born Again, Marvel’s upcoming reboot of Netflix’s Daredevil show, which will once again star Charlie Cox as the titular superhero.
The rumors are circulating mainly thanks to tweets from fan accounts like @GoodCBMtakes and @spideyupdated. Is that enough to say that this rumor is a sure thing? No. Does it make sense that Marvel would do whatever it could to get Holland back in the hold? Absolutely.
Will Tom Holland return as Spider-Man to the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
Holland first appeared in the MCU in 2016’s Captain America: Civil War, and has since starred in a trilogy of movies that recently concluded with Spider-Man: No Way Home. That film brought back previous Spider-Man actors Andrew Garfield and Tobey McGuire and grossed nearly $2 billion at the worldwide box office.
With Holland’s Spider-Man movies bringing in that kind of money, obviously Marvel wants him to do more, but the actor himself has remained non-committal, at least publicly. “I might do Spider-Man 4, 5, and 6, finish when I’m 32, and never make another,” he told GQ around the time No Way Home was released. “I’m not sure what I want to do.”
But dump trucks full of money could help anyone make up their mind. Holland’s new deal, if it exists, has yet to be officially announced by him or Disney.
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