The Walking Dead showrunner teases “highly emotional” series finale

Image: The Walking Dead/AMC
Image: The Walking Dead/AMC /

The Walking Dead series finale is airing this Sunday, and I can’t believe it! I’ve been watching this show since day one, and I’m in my feelings about the end. This show has been through its ups and downs, but there is something to be said for it lasting for 11 seasons.

But the end is nigh, and we’re getting ready to bid farewell to the zombie apocalypse series. Showrunner Angela Kang spoke to TVLine about what fans can expect from “Rest in Peace.”

“It’s a highly emotional episode,” Kang said. “It’s a ride. But we really felt that at the core of this, there’s horror in this world. There’s obviously action and adventure. But the reason people follow these people is because there is heart, there is a chosen family, there’s something about their will to make it past the worst circumstances that is inspiring. So we leaned really hard in that direction, because we felt that’s what the core of the show is.”

The Walking Dead series finale will be “highly emotional”

There will be a lot of tears during Sunday’s series finale, that’s for sure. How do we say goodbye to The Walking Dead after 11 seasons?!

Well, it may not be that hard considering a handful of the characters are getting their own spin-off shows. We know that Daryl (Norman Reedus), Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), and Maggie (Lauren Cohan) aren’t going to die, which takes the element of surprise to some extent. But anyone else is fair game, which makes me nervous.

According to Kang, “There’s lots of action and excitement and scariness and high stakes. All of that’s there. For the people who are craving some really cool action, you’ll get that. But I think most importantly, there are really lovely character moments between people. I’m so blown away by our cast and the work that they put into it. Greg Nicotero pulled out all the stops directing a very, very challenging, huge episode in the midst of all the things that we had to deal with production-wise.”

Greg Nicotero has directed some of the best episodes in this series, so I cannot wait to see what he came up with for the ending.

The Walking Dead series finale airs on Sunday, November 20th on AMC at 9:00 p.m. EST as well as on AMC+.

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