The epic House of the Dragon holiday gift guide

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This section focuses a little more on specific characters like Rhaenyra Targaryen, Good Queen Alicent and her supporters, Daemon Targaryen, Ser Harwin Strong, and the dragons. Shall we begin?

House of the Dragon Team Green Name shirt, $22

House of the Dragon
Check out this House of the Dragon Team Green name shirt on Etsy. /

It wouldn’t be fair to do all Team Black, so we wanted to give Team Green some love too. While it’s pretty bold to pick Team Green, you can at least do it with style.

Being on Etsy, this shirt comes in multiple colors, so fans can design it however they like. This shop also has a Team Black version with all their names.

Buy it: Etsy?

House of the Dragon, “Who needs a Cole when you have a Strong,” T-shirt, $17.99

House of the Dragon
Check out this House of the Dragon Harwin Strong shirt on Etsy. /

House of the Dragon fans have a love-hate relationship with Ser Criston Cole. He switched sides on Rhaenyra, but Ser Harwin Strong was there to swoop in and ease the pain. This shirt is for those people who love Strong and appreciate his character. It’s a humorous dig at the knight we all loathed by the end of the season.

Buy it: Etsy

House of the Dragon Daemon Targaryen 90s vintage shirt, $18

House of the Dragon
Check out this Daemon Targaryen vintage shirt on Etsy. /

Matt Smith and his character Daemon Targaryen have a hold on fans around the world. This shirt celebrates Daemon while giving us the best ’90s vibes. This shirt references some of our favorite Daemon moments and lets everyone know immediately who you loved the most from House of the Dragon. This shirt is a must-have and super creative. However, other character options exist if Daemon isn’t your favorite but you love the style.

Buy it: Etsy

House of the Dragon Princess of Dragonstone T-shirt, $24.95

House of the Dragon
Check out this House of the Dragon princess of Dragonstone t-shirt on the Warner Bros website. /

This image is probably one of the most recognizable from season 1 of House of the Dragon: Young princess Rhaeynra with a massive dragon behind her in the outfit she wore when King Viseyrs announced her as heir. It’s an iconic moment from the series, and it belongs on a shirt.

Buy it: Warner Bros

House of the Dragon Episode 10 Queen Rhaenyra t-shirt, $24.95

House of the Dragon
Check out this House of the Dragon Queen Rhaenyra T-shirt from the Warner Bros website. /

This serves depicts Rhaenyra Targaryen, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, Rhaenyra Targaryen, and all her titles. She is the true heir to the throne and when she gets that crown in the final episode…chills everywhere. It’s a great moment and a great shirt.

Buy it: Warner Bros

House of the Dragon, Blood Wyrm t-shirt, $28.95

House of the Dragon
Check out this House of the Dragon “The Blood Wyrm Caraxes” shirt from the Warner Bros website. /

This dragon shirt kind kind of has a jersey design. There are other dragon shirts on the Warner Bros website, so if Caraxes isn’t your favorite dragon, you have options. There’s a dragon eye on the front breast, and the name of your favorite dragon on the back.

Buy it: Warner Bros