The first season of Star Wars: The Bad Batch aired in May of 2021. In many ways, The Bad Batch is a spiritual successor to The Clone Wars, another animated series created by Dave Filoni that revolves around clone troopers. Season 1 of The Bad Batch took place directly after Revenge of the Sith, and followed a crew of “defective” clones known as Clone Force 99, or the Bad Batch. Because of their differences from the rest of the clone army, they are often looked down on by regular clones, something they see as a badge of honor. They are sort of the “Dirty Dozen” of the Star Wars universe.
The team consists of:
- Hunter: heightened senses
- Tech: high intelligence, advanced data analysis and mastery of technology
- Wrecker: superhuman strength
- Crosshair: exceptional eyesight and marksmanship
- Echo: a regular clone and former arc trooper who joined the Bad Batch after they rescued him from the Separatists. His body is more machine than man following a life-threatening explosion.
These genetic enhancements caused the crew’s inhibitor chips to malfunction, giving them the free will to recognize the tyrannical direction the Empire was taking in Revenge of the Sith. With no more Republic to fight for, the Bad Batch began operating as mercenaries. Their adventures brought them into contact with many familiar characters from the Star Wars universe, like Hera Syndulla and Kanun Jarrus.
The Bad Batch season 2 premieres on Disney+ on January 4. Here are five of the biggest plotlines to keep in mind before the new episodes arrive!
1. Omega is a pure genetic clone of Jango Fett
The newest addition to the Bad Batch is a young female clone named Omega, who joins up with the crew on Kamino after the Empire takes over. She is the moral heart of the group, often steering them to do the right thing in sticky situations. In season 1, Tech figures out that Omega, unlike the rest of the clone army, is an unmodified clone of Jango Fett, the template for the entire clone army. She is one of only two clones like this known to exist, the other being Boba Fett.
This means that Omega did not receive growth enhancements, and is actually older than the Bad Batch. Since she is the closest thing they have to Jango Fett’s original DNA, Omega is extremely valuable to the Kaminoans. After she escapes with the Bad Batch, Prime Minister Lama Su sends the bounty hunter Cad Bane to retrieve Omega and bring her back to Kamino. Simultaneously, Fennec Shand is hired by Omega’s creator, Kaminoan scientist Nala Se, with the goal of keeping her away from Lama Su.
It is unclear whether Omega’s status as a pure copy of Jango Fett is important to anyone besides the Kaminoans. And with the empire now using conscripted soldiers instead of clones, there is no need for Jango Fett’s DNA. It is interesting nonetheless that Omega is essentially Boba Fett’s sister.