Star Wars: Bad Batch review: Palpatine returns in two-episode thriller

Image: Star Wars: The Bad Batch/Disney+
Image: Star Wars: The Bad Batch/Disney+
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Episode 7 of Star Wars: The Bad Batch, “The Clone Conspiracy,” opens with two clones named Slip and Cade frantically talking in a bar. Both clones were part of the destruction of Tipoca City on Kamino, and Cade feels guilty. He explains how he sent a message to Admiral Rampart urging him to tell the Senate the truth about Kamino, as he lied and said the city was destroyed by a storm. When they leave the bar, Cade gets shot by an unknown assailant. Slip shoots back and escapes on a speeder bike.

Deliberation in the Senate

In the Senate, politicians are debating Admiral Rampart’s bill to implement a conscripted army. Emperor Palpatine is not present and his advisor Mas Amedda opts not to choose a side. Senator Organa and others oppose the legislation since the war is over and there is no need for an army. However, other Senators point out that insurgent groups have been popping up in random parts of the galaxy, a nod to the early formation of the Rebellion.

Senator Chuchi from Pantora wonders what to do with the clones; they are not droids that can be deactivated, but people who must be cared for if they are no longer serving as soldiers. Admiral Rampart assures everyone that a smooth transition will be made, but Organa and others vote to shelve the bill in the meantime.

We then see Mas Amedda grilling Rampart about the bill not passing, and how Rampart will be in hot water if he does get it through the Senate without any more opposition.

Uncovering the scandal

Senator Chuchi visits the clone bar to better understand their needs and how they feel about being decommissioned. The clones insist on still fighting and that they weren’t programmed to think about what will happen next, but Chuchi persuades them to start because they will soon be too old to fight due to their growth acceleration.

Slip makes contact with Chuchi and tells her how Kamino was really destroyed by Rampart and his fleet. Chuchi insists someone would have come forward if this were true, but Slip contends that Rampart either reassigned or killed everyone who had qualms about the attack.

Senator Organa meets with Chuchi. They both suspect that the destruction of Tipoca City was no accident. We find out Rampart hired the assassin who took out Cade, and he orders him to kill Slip and Senator Chuchi if she interferes. Slip is attempting to get off-world when Chuchi and her guards find him. She tries to get Slip to testify in front of the Senate, but Slip is trying to leave as soon as possible. He tells her that the proof of Rampart’s lies can be found on the bridge of his Venator ship.

Slip and Chuchi’s guards are then killed by the assassin and she flees, only to be saved by Captain Rex at the last minute. Rex turns out to be the one trying to smuggle Slip off-world. They unmask the assassin, who turns out to be another clone. When Rex and Chuchi interrogate him, he ends his own life.