Between 2010 and 2019, there were three How To Train Your Dragon movies, and by all accounts they were press successful. A plucky boy bonds with a dragon in a vaguely Norse-inspired fantasy world and goes on adventures? Yeah, sure, sounds fun. Bring on the sequels, bring on the plushies, bring on multiple TV spinoffs.
Now, The Hollywood Reporter brings us the news that Dreamworks is teaming up with Universal to make a live-action version of the movie, which is based on the book by Cressida Cowell. Dean DeBlois, who directed or co-directed the first three movies, will also direct this one. He’s looking around for actors now. The original voice cast for the animated movies included Jay Baruchel, America Ferrera, Gerard Butler, Cate Blanchett, Christopher Mintz-Plasse and more.
This recalls Disney’s strategy of digging up the corpses of its old movies and giving them the live-action treatment. That strategy has been extremely lucrative and kinda tiresome: so far we’ve gotten live-action remakes of Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, The Lion King, and more, with The LIttle Mermaid around the corner. Dreamworks has often been accused of making itself in Disney’s image, so it makes sense they would pull this.
See what the How to Train Your Dragon remake could look like
Will the remake be good? I don’t know. Something I just found out was that there’s a How To Train Your Dragon stage show. Let’s look at a few pictures of that and imagine what could be:

Pleasant dreams.
The live-action How To Train Your Dragon movie is set for a March 14, 2025 release.
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