Avatar: The Last Airbender movie will follow the original gang as adults

Image: Avatar: The Last Airbender/Nickelodeon
Image: Avatar: The Last Airbender/Nickelodeon

Avatar: The Last Airbender wrapped up its third and final season on Nickelodeon way back in 2008. But thanks to sequel shows like The Legend of Korra and the series becoming available to a new audience on Netflix, the fandom has only grown stronger over the years.

Now, Avatar Studios is capitalizing on that popularity with a number of new animated movies and TV shows. According to scooper @DanielRPK, one of those movies will be set 12 years after the end of The Last Airbender, and catch up with our main characters as adult.

During the three season-run of Avatar: The Last Airbender, the main characters were very young: Aang was 12, Katara 14, Sokka 15, Toph 12 and Zuko 16. If the reports are accurate, the new movie would age them up into their mid-to-late 20s. Aang and Katara will reportedly be the main focus of the film, with Sokka, Toph and Zuko playing supporting roles.

Aang, Katara, Zuko and the rest will be in their ’20s in Avatar: The Last Airbender movie

We got to see brief glimpses of Aang, Sokka and Toph in this age range during flashback scenes from The Legend of Korra. Aang was on Avatar duty trying to apprehend the bloodbending villain Yakone, Sokka was a Republic City councilmen and Toph served as the chief of police. This means we’ll probably see the early days of Republic City in this movie. Elderly versions Katara, Zuko and Toph were also alive during Korra’s time.

We know from the The Legend of Korra that Aang and Karata’s children were born when the couple were in their early 30s, so Tenzin, Kya and Bumi will likely not be in the untitled movie.

Original Avatar: The Last Airbender creators Brian Konietzko and Michael DiMartino are the creative heads of Avatar Studios. Konietzko and DiMartino will not be involved with Netflix’s live action adaptation, which is set to premiere sometime this year.

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h/t CBR