3 Star Wars characters who could appear on The Mandalorian this season

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Fenn Rau / the Protectors

The Protectors of Mandalore are an ancient group of elite warriors who guard the ruler of the planet. During the peaceful reign of Duchess Satine Kryze, the Protectors were among the only Mandalorians to do any fighting. After Death Watch took control of the planet under Pre Vizla, it is unknown if the Protectors sided with him. After the Imperial occupation, the Protectors made an agreement with the Empire and left Mandalore to make a new home on the third moon of the Concord Dawn system under their leader Fenn Rau.

During the events of Rebels, Rau is forced by Kanan Jarrus and Sabine Wren to let the Rebel Alliance use their hyperspace routes. When the Imperial viceroy Gar Saxon finds out about this arrangement, he wipes out the Protectors’ settlement and Rau leaves the system with the Rebels to fight and avenge his people. Rau is a valuable ally when the Rebels met up with Sabine Wren’s family on Krownest. Sabine’s mother Ursa plans to turn Kanan and Ezra Bridger over to Saxon in return for Sabine’s freedom. Rau helps the Jedi escape and take out Saxon when he double-crosses Ursa.

Rau then fights with the Mandalorian resistance in the Mandalorian Civil War against Gar Saxon’s brother Tiber, who continued the Imperial-backed regime after his brother’s death. After Tiber’s defeat, Rau and many of the Mandalorian clans pledged their loyalty to Bo-Katan Kryze when Sabine gave her the Darksaber. Rau said he pledged the loyalty of the Protectors to Bo-Katan, but he was the only one left after Gar wiped out his settlement on the third moon.

Perhaps Rau has been slowly rebuilding the Protectors just like the Armorer has been doing with The Tribe. That is if he survived the destruction of Mandalore during the Empire’s great purge. Perhaps he’ll turn up this season and we’ll find out.