Take the Black: Game of Thrones prequel getting a Game of Thrones prequel?

House of the Dragon
House of the Dragon /

HBO is working on a(nother) Game of Thrones prequel! What might an Aegon the Conqueror prequel be like? We also discuss the upcoming Harry Potter TV show.

Each week, we break down the latest news from the worlds of sci-fi, fantasy, movies and TV, and then shoot it right into your eyeballs and earballs. This week, we dig right into the thick of things and talk about HBO developing a Game of Thrones prequel about Aegon the Conqueror. What are the chances it will actually happen, and what should the show be like if it does?

We also get into the news that Warner Bros. Discovery is close to making a Harry Potter TV show. Is it too soon? Will it ever not be too soon?

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