Game of Thrones: Top 10 castles in Westeros, ranked

Image: Game of Thrones/HBO
Image: Game of Thrones/HBO /
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House of the Dragon Episode 10
House of the Dragon Episode 10 /

3. Storm’s End

The home of House Baratheon, Storm’s End is a formidable castle in the Stormlands that consists of a single drum tower with battlements and a 100-foot high curtain wall surrounding the perimeter. There are legends saying that Bran the Builder, the alleged founder of House Stark and the builder of the Wall, designed Storm’s End and that there are defensive spells woven into the castle’s stonework. It is located on the eastern shore of the continent and was supposedly built by Durran the Godsgrief. After his first six attempts are ruined by storms, the seventh attempt was named Storm’s End because it was able to withstand the weather.

For centuries after, Durran’s decedents ruled as the Storm Kings from his castle, until the Targaryen conquest. The last storm king was Argilac the Arrogant. He defied Aegon’s requests to surrender peacefully by cutting off his envoy’s hands and sending them back. Argilac then decided to leave Storm’s End to meet the Targaryen forces in the field. Led by Orys Baratheon and Rhaenys atop her dragon Meraxes, the Targaryens defeated Argilac and his forces. After Argilac was thrown from his saddle, Orys met him on the field in single combat and the last Storm King was killed. Orys proceeded to marry Argilac’s daughter and take his castle, sigil and words to form House Baratheon.

During the Dance, Borros Baratheon ruled over the Stormlands. One of the first conflicts of the war happens at Storm’s End. As an envoy to his brother King Aegon II, Aemond Targaryen visits Borros to gain his support for the greens. He agrees to marry one of Borros’ daughters in exchange for his support. Soon after, Rhaenyra’s son Lucerys arrives at Storm’s End, reminding Borros that his father Boremund swore oaths to Rhaenyra. Borros points out that Aemond has a better offer, as Lucerys could not pledge to marry one of his daughters since he was already betrothed.

Aemond then provokes Lucerys, who cut out Aemond’s eye when they were children. Borros does not allow Aemond to fight Lucerys in his hall and has his men restrain Aemond until Lucerys leaves the castle. However, once Lucerys is on his dragon Arrax, Aemond pursues the pair on his dragon Vhagar. Vhagar, the biggest dragon then alive, easily kills Arrax and Lucerys, turning the cold war hot.

During Robert’s Rebellion, Robert’s brother Stannis held Storm’s End against forces from the Reach. Stannis refused to yield even though he was blockaded by land and sea, his garrison eventually reduced to eating rats until the smuggler Davos Seaworth makes it past the Redwyne fleet with a shipment of onions. The harsh Stannis was grateful and knighted Davos for his efforts, but cut off the ends of four of his fingers as punishment for smuggling. After the war, Robert gives Storm’s End to his youngest brother Renly. Renly and Loras Tyrell begin their relationship while the latter is squiring at Storm’s End.

After Robert’s death, the Stormlands and the Reach call their banners for Renly in the War of the Five Kings. The Stormlands declare for Stannis after Renly’s death, which is blamed on Brienne of Tarth. Loras buries Renly at a spot near Storm’s End.

Stannis’ forces continue to hold the castle through another Tyrell siege, but it falls when Aegon Targaryen V invades Westeros with the Golden Company (this only happens in the books; this particular Aegon is cut from the show). Aegon himself leads the assault to the chagrin of his hand Jon Connington. The Golden Company holds the castle and uses it as a base of operations.

In a sample chapter from the next book in Martin’s series, The Winds of Winter, Arianne Martell decides to sail for Storm’s End to parlay with Aegon. Another Tyrell army is supposedly on its way to Storm’s End to meet Aegon’s forces in battle.