Before Ahsoka: 5 best arcs in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, ranked

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4. The Wrong Jedi

In this arc, Anakin and Ahsoka are assigned to investigate a bombing on the Jedi temple that killed several dozen people. With the help of an investigator droid, it is discovered that nano droid technology was used in the explosion. They figure out that a man named Jackar, who died in the explosion, was involved. The Jedi take Jackar’s wife Letta into custody after she confesses to feeding her husband the nano droids.

Ahsoka is summoned to go talk with Letta, who says that she was told the padawan is the only person that can help her. But when Letta reveals that it was a Jedi who put her up to the bombing, she starts getting force choked by someone outside the room. Since Ahsoka was the only person in there and she was putting her hands in the air to try and help Letta, the security footage makes it look like she was choking Letta. Ahsoka escapes and is pursued by Anakin and the Republic security forces on Coruscant. In addition, whoever choked Letta also killed five clones and framed Ahsoka, who fleas into the underworld despite Anakin’s pleas to turn herself in.

Anakin and Master Plo Koon are sent by the council to find Ahsoka and bring her back. She makes contact with her friend Barris Offee, who thinks there could be a clue to this mystery at a certain location. Later, the former Separatist-turned-bounty hunter Asajj Ventress apprehends Ahsoka to collect the bounty on her head. Ahsoka makes a deal to get Ventress a pardon for her war crimes if she helps her, and she apprehensively agrees.

Ventress helps Ahsoka elude the clones and get to the location Barriss mentioned. When Ventress leaves Ahsoka for a moment, she is attacked by someone who steals her mask and lightsabers and attacks Ahsoka. After a fight, the unknown assailant force pushes Ahsoka into a crate of nano droids. Commander Wolfe, an officer in the Republic military, sees this, which makes Ahsoka look even more guilty.

When Ahsoka is taken back, the Jedi hold a tribunal where they strip Ahsoka of her padawan status and ban her from the Jedi order. The Republic also decides to hold a trial with Captain Tarkin as prosecutor. Padme represents Ahsoka in the trial, but the former padawan feels betrayed by the Jedi as everyone has left her side except Anakin, who decides to find Ventress for answers. Ventress points out that she and Ahsoka have a lot in common since both were abandoned by their masters, which tears Anakin apart. She also explains that someone took her things to attack Ahsoka, and that Ahsoka contacted Barriss.

Anakin confronts Barriss, who defends herself with Ventress’ lightsabers and exposes herself as the person behind the plot. Anakin fights and apprehends Barriss, who confesses to her crimes. Meanwhile, in the sham trial, Tarkin advocates for the death penalty for Ahsoka. Just when the guilty verdict is about to be read, Anakin brings in Barriss, who takes the Jedi to task for fighting of the Clone Wars instead of peacekeeping.

Back at the temple, the Jedi explain that they were wrong and try to spin the situation and say that this was part of Ahsoka’s trials. However, when Anakin offers her padawan braid back, Ahsoka refuses and says she isn’t coming back.