AI shows what a White Walker would look like based on the Game of Thrones books

We all know what White Walkers look like on Game of Thrones. They’re human-esque figures with blue skin and faces like plate armor, as if they’re made out of overlapping layers of ice, and maybe they are.

Game of Thrones is based on George R.R. Martin’s book series A Song of Ice and Fire, where the White Walkers are more commonly called the Others. The show does a good job of interpreting Martin’s descriptions for the small screen, but it is an interpretation. When you’re talking about killer ice people, there’s no strictly correct way to depict them; everyone is going to read Martin’s book and see the Others a little differently in their mind’s eye.

But what if we got an impartial artist to take a crack at it? And who’s more impartial than a robot? Redditor u/marcussmith34678 asked AI to generate an image of a White Walker based on descriptions from Martin’s books. Here’s what it came up with:

Illustrations of White Walkers from the Song of Ice and Fire series

A lot of commenters seem to think that the White Walker in the AI illustration looks a little too human, and I tend to agree. Try, try again, robot.

And if you’d rather see a meat-brained human try its hand at depicting a White Walker, plenty have tried over the years, with lots of different interpretations. For example:

So far as official illustrations go, the closest we have may be Magali Villeneuve’s rendering of a White Walker from the 2016 Song of Ice and Fire calendar:

Image: Magali Villeneuve
Image: Magali Villeneuve

And who knows? Maybe Martin will give us some new descriptions of White Walkers in The Winds of Winter that will change everything about the way we think they look.

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