Jon Snow returns: Possible storylines for HBO’s Game of Thrones spin-off

Image: Game of Thrones/HBO
Image: Game of Thrones/HBO /
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Game of Thrones
Image: Game of Thrones/HBO /

Arya’s voyage to the West

At the end of Game of Thrones, Arya Stark set sail on the Sunset Sea to explore what lies to the west of Westeros. Given the bond between Jon and Arya, she would likely appear on the show if Maisie Williams is willing.

It would be fun to see Arya’s seafaring adventure, possible encounters with uncharted pirate groups, and eventual discovery of a piece of land between Westeros and Essos. If Westeros is roughly analogous to Europe and Essos to Asia, then Arya could stumble on a land mass that corresponds to the Americas.

If the budget allows, Snow could feature more dragons. From House of the Dragon, we know the Targaryens did not tame all the dragons in the world. That means some of them had nothing to do with the Dance of the Dragons and its aftermath, which more or less wiped out all the dragons in Westeros until Daenerys came along generations alter and hatched three more. Arya may very well come across an island with a dragon nest.

If not, they should at least incorporate Drogon into the storyline somehow, since he was still alive at the end. It wouldn’t be a Game of Thrones show without those scaly beasts.

Bran Stark - Game of Thrones
Bran Stark - Game of Thrones /

The future of Westeros

The council that crowned Bran the Broken as the next king of Westeros agreed that future rulers of the Seven Kingdoms would be elected by the nobility rather than determined by right of primogeniture. Tyrion Lannister’s plan was to inch Westeros towards democracy.

Sounds great, but Tyrion and the rest of the people on Bran’s small council have a lot of work ahead of them. Firstly, it will be difficult to explain the drastic change in the system to the lords of the Seven Kingdoms, to say nothing of the common people. Secondly, who would be the candidates to run for King or Queen? Would it still be someone from the noble houses, or could anyone join the race?

These are some of the burning questions that are likely to keep Bran and his council busy following his coronation. Watching them figure it out could provide for plenty of the political drama that Game of Thrones was known for, which would be a treat for fans.