The science fiction show Silo premiered earlier this year and quickly established itself as a hit, becoming one of the most successful original shows for streamer Apple TV+. Based on the novel series of the same name by Hugh Howey, Silo follows various characters in an enormous underground bunker (the Silo), where the last 10,000 members of the human race reside following an apocalypse. Humans have been living in the Silo so long they can’t remember how the world ended or why they’re there, but those mysteries all start to unravel over the course of the first season.
Season 1 ended on a huge cliffhanger as we finally discovered what lay beyond the Silo. We all need to know what happens next for Juliette Nichols (Rebecca Ferguson) and the rest of the Silo-dwellers.
Will there be a season 2 of Silo on Apple TV+?
Is Apple TV+ is moving forward with a second season of Silo? Thankfully, we do have an answer for that: yes, Silo will return for season 2. Apple renewed the show for a second season this past June.
From the sound of things, plans for season 2 were in place even before the renewal order came through. Rebecca Ferguson revealed that scrips for season 2 were done long before the Writers Guild of America went on strike in May, so Silo was one of the few shows that continued production in spite of the strike. Filming on season 2 was already underway this summer.
However, it remains unclear what the status of Silo is now that the actors union SAG-AFTRA is on strike as well. Ferguson spoke to IndieWire the day before the strike was called, saying “The percentage of people fortunate enough to have a good life as actors have to fight for the other percentage.” Yet while Ferguson herself sounds like she’s behind the striking actors, Silo is filmed at Hoddesdon Studios in the UK and employs many actors from the UK. UK actors have a different union, Equity, which is unable to join in the strike due to the UK’s strict anti-union labor laws. The situation is developing, and we’ll be keeping a close eye for news on how Silo is navigating the strikes.
Silo season 1 is streaming now on Apple TV+. If you need a way to fill the time until season 2, you can always read the Silo book trilogy by Hugh Howey.
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