Harry Potter: All 7 Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers ranked

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2. Remus Lupin

Remus Lupin is not only the first wizard in the story to properly teach Defense Against the Dark Arts, but he also steps in and become a father figure to Harry in Prisoner of Azkaban. As an old friend of Harry’s parents, Lupin is able to help bridge the gap between the tragedy of Harry’s past and the danger he has to face in the future. Over the course of his third year at Hogwarts, Harry connects with Lupin and learns about his parents as well as the very real threat of Lord Voldemort.

One of the best parts of Prisoner of Azkaban is Lupin teaching Harry the iconic Patronus charm. Each wizard casts their own version of the spell. Harry’s Patronus takes the form of a stag just like his father James. Remus uses a combination of positive reinforcement and stern course correction to point Harry in the right direction. He also figures out that Sirius Black is innocent of his crimes and was framed by Peter Pettigrew (Wormtail). Lupin is the main reason Harry gives Black a chance, which results in a beautiful bond until Black’s untimely death in the fifth book/movie.

Lupin is around until the end of the story and is a ranking member in the Order of the Phoenix. He participates in the battle at the Department of Mysteries, the Battle of the Seven Potters and the Battle of Hogwarts where he and his wife Nymphadora Tonks give their lives in the castle’s defense. Before Harry knowingly meets his fate at the hands of Voldemort, Lupin along with Sirius, James and Lilly appear to him and encourage him to carry forward. Harry helps look after Lupin and Tonks’ son Teddy after their deaths.