A while back, Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy) took a trip down Harry Potter memory lane on his Instagram, recalling that he “nearly killed” his late co-star Alan Rickman (Severus Snape) while filming a scene for one of the Harry Potter movies.
As all HP fans are aware, Draco and Snape spend a ton of time together in the books and onscreen. Here’s what Felton had to say about his time with Rickman on set, and how one unfortunate moment almost cost someone their life.
Tom Felton recalls being on the wrong side of Alan Rickman’s temper
A lot of the wizards in the Harry Potter series wear long luxurious cloaks, including Professor Snape. They look great, but apparently they can become a problem, and Rickman knew it.
“I was told in no uncertain terms by Alan Rickman, ‘Don’t step on my f***ing cloak’”, Felton recalled. At first, Felton thought it was a joke only to quickly realize that it wasn’t, and that Rickman was very serious:
"The next take, the director was very keen for me to walk as close as I can to Alan, and we got about half way down the Great Hall before [mimes getting choked around the neck]. You have to bear in mind that his cloak was attached around his neck. [I] nearly killed the poor man. Then he turned around again and gave me a look that you never ever want to see. Very luckily, the next take someone else stepped on his cloak, so that kind of took the heat away from me. But, I’ll never forget the words ‘don’t step on my f***ing cloak’."
Of course, Tom Felton has always been fond of Rickman, both before and after his death. Sadly, Rickman passed away in 2016 after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He is very missed by all Potterheads!
Felton shared this story in his book, Beyond The Wand, which came out in October 2022 and has been a hit amongst Harry Potter fans across the world.
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h/t LAD Bible