Michael Sheen talks through the “heartbreaking” ending of Good Omens season 2

Good Omens Season 2
Good Omens Season 2 /

The first season of Good Omens, based on the book of the same name by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, introduced us to the angel Aziraphale (Michael Sheen) and the demon Crowley (David Tennant), who teamed up to divert an apocalypse, the both of them having grown fond of life on Earth during their millennia spent there.

The second season, which goes beyond the pages of the book, is simpler. It basically amounts to a love story, with Aziraphale and Crowley realizing that their longstanding friendship has developed into something more, particularly now since they’ve been exiled from heaven and hell respectively.

Speaking to IGN, Sheen compared their experience to that of the Beatles, “where they talked about how they became so close because no one else could know what it was like to experience what they were experiencing.” Who wouldn’t fall in love under those conditions?

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The first season of the show didn’t emphasize the romantic aspects of Crowley and Aziraphale’s relationship, but fans made a meal of the subtext. The pairing of Crowley and Aziraphale became extremely popular, which I imagine is part of the reason season 2 leaned into it.

But the second season ends in heartbreak, as Aziraphale accepts a new job in heaven, something that Crowley cannot abide, even though he was an angel himself back in the beginning of days, before the fall. This idealogical chasm is too wide to cross.

“We always knew where they were going to get to at the end of this particular part of the story,” Sheen said. “And I think retrospectively thinking about that, it made it a more, I think, interesting and exciting journey to be able to seed in things all the way along that would mean that endpoint that they get to be as difficult and as satisfying and as challenging and heartbreaking and all the rest of the things that you would want it to be.”

What happens next? Hopefully Good Omens will get renewed for a third season so we can find out. In the meantime, the first two seasons are available to watch on Amazon Prime Video.

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