Take the Black: Lannisters go to war, dragons fall from the sky on House of the Dragon set

Image: Game of Thrones/HBO
Image: Game of Thrones/HBO /

We go over some spectacular new images from the set of House of the Dragon season 2, as well as preview Ahsoka and The Wheel of Time.

It’s exciting times in the worlds of sci-fi, fantasy, movies and TV! Don’t believe us? Watch the latest episode of Take the Black, where we examine new photos from the set of House of the Dragon, preview some of the big new shows airing over the next few weeks, and more. Roll the tape!

Even with Hollywood dealing with multiple strikes, the content faucet is still delivering high pressure goodness. If you’re into sci-fi, a new Star Wars series called Ahsoka is coming to Disney+. If you like fantasy, the second season of The Wheel of Time is right around the corner. And might we recommend The Winter King on MGM+? You have options.

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Henry Cavill’s 20 best moments as Geralt of Rivia in The Witcher. dark. Next

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