10 most shocking moments from Castlevania: Nocturne

Castlevania: Nocturne - ©2023 Netflix
Castlevania: Nocturne - ©2023 Netflix /
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Castlevania: Nocturne S1. Natassja Kinski as Tera in Castlevania: Nocturne S1. Cr. NETFLIX © 2023
Castlevania: Nocturne S1. Natassja Kinski as Tera in Castlevania: Nocturne S1. Cr. NETFLIX © 2023 /

9) Tera’s transformation

At one point, Tera begs to trade places with Maria as Erzsebet plans on turning her into one of her vampires as a “sacrifice.” As Erzsebet said she wanted someone Emmanuel loves as a sacrifice, I had the desire to leap through the screen and punch the living daylights out of him.

"“Do you love her?!” – Erzsebet “God sent you a ram, Emmanuel.” – Tera"

Does Emmanuel love Tera? He might, but not as much as Tera loves Maria. She doesn’t even hesitate to take her daughter’s place and become the sacrifice. The transformation is sad and creepy. Erzsebet drains Tera almost completely, only to then feed her own blood to Tera in return. The way Tera goes to town on Erzsebet’s blood is primal. A sweet and loving mother to both Maria and Richter is now probably a very powerful ally to the Messiah. Let’s not forget Tera was a Speaker. I wonder is Speaker vampires are a thing…

Castlevania: Nocturne S1. Elarica Johnson as Drolta in Castlevania: Nocturne S1. Cr. Courtesy of Netflix © 2023
Castlevania: Nocturne S1. Elarica Johnson as Drolta in Castlevania: Nocturne S1. Cr. Courtesy of Netflix © 2023 /

10) Suddenly, Alucard

If you had told me that I would be literally staring at my TV screen with a silent scream locked on my face for the last entire minute of Castlevania: Nocturne‘s season finale, I wouldn’t have believed you. But it happened.

Right as the gorgeous and sassy Drolta launched herself toward Richter and company, followed by a handful of vampires, her charge is interrupted by an unsuspected blade. The world seemed to stop for a second as I realized that Alucard, Dracula’s son and the most gorgeous being in the entire Castlevania universe, is back to kill some more vampires. He announces who he is and that he’s killed thousands of vampires. Annette snaps us all back to reality with a single question:

"“Who’s Dracula?”"

The reason behind the excitement about Alucard’s return is that he would be the secret weapon against Erzsebet. Smart and strategic like his father but calm, collected, and kind like his mother, Alucard is the wrong person to underestimate; he is absolutely deadly in a fight. When we last saw him at the end of Castlevania, he had become a sort of protector for the people of the Village of Belmont, which he found next to his castle. Since this is almost 300 years later, it’ll be interesting to see what all he’s been up to all that time. Has he been fighting vampires? Is he still keeping himself in solitude? What happened to the Village of Belmont and its citizens?

Hopefully we will get some answers in a second season. Though not announced yet, basing off the quality of the first season, it won’t be long before Netflix announces the continuation of the series. After binging all eight episodes multiple times, I can say for certain that this story will not disappoint, and that Nocturne has already reached the same level of intensity and entertainment that its predecessor reached in four epic seasons with just one.

So, Netflix… How about that second season?

Next. All the biggest book changes in The Wheel of Time Episode 207. dark

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