The Wheel of Time: All 7 Ajahs of the Aes Sedai explained

Aes Sedai in The Wheel of Time season 2. Image: Prime Video.
Aes Sedai in The Wheel of Time season 2. Image: Prime Video. /
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Ryma, a sister of the Yellow Ajah, prepares to unleash magic.
Image: Prime Video. /

4. Yellow Ajah

The Yellow Ajah focuses on healing, including the study of new ways to use the One Power for that end. Yellow sisters are by far the most gifted healers in the White Tower. While the other Ajahs can sometimes get swept up in intrigue, the Yellows remain focused on restoring the health of others.

Yellow Sisters develop a keen sense of anatomy and how the One Power can affect it. While Yellows are focused on healing, they can use their knowledge to break the bodies of others in extreme circumstances where they’re forced to defend themselves, as we say Ryma do before she was collared in Falme.

The Yellow Ajah is the fifth largest Ajah.

Katie Leung (Yasicca) Meera Syal (Verin) in The Wheel of Time season 2. Image: Prime Video.
Katie Leung (Yasicca) Meera Syal (Verin) in The Wheel of Time season 2. Image: Prime Video. /

5. Brown Ajah

Next up we have the Brown Ajah. Brown sisters leave behind the mundanities of normal life and dedicate themselves to seeking and preserving knowledge. The Browns are the book worms of the White Tower.

Browns often bring books and scrolls back to Tar Valon, and it’s because of their efforts that the Aes Sedai retain the single largest library in the world of The Wheel of Time. Brown sisters are often the ones to make discoveries about new ways to use the One Power, or uses for ter’angreal, or secrets forgotten since the Age of Legends. They love learning for its own sake, and most of the librarians in the White Tower belong to the Brown Ajah.

The Brown Ajah is the fourth largest of the Ajahs.