Take the Black: The Wheel of Time complete season 2 review!


The Wheel of Time season 2 is over! What were the highs? What were the lows? What performances stood out? What episodes? Was the finale a worthy end? Did this season turn the show around? Did it need turning around in the first place?

We discuss all that in more on a special episode of Take the Black, our weekly chat show where we talk about all things sci-fi, fantasy, movies and TV. The Wheel of Time season 2: Was It Good? Roll the tape:

Overall, I think we both enjoyed the second season of The Wheel of Time quite a lot, although Daniel Roman is a bit more over the moon than I was. Overall, it’s great to see the show doing so well.

When will The Wheel of Time season 3 premiere?

Amazon is already working on The Wheel of Time season 3, although we don’t yet know when we will get to see the new episodes. If they’re able to finish filming this year, it’s possible we could start watching season 3 sometime in 2024. That may be optimistic, but I’m holding out hope.

If you want to hear more of us natter on about all things pop culture, we stream new episodes of Take the Black every Wednesday on the WinterIsComing YouTube and Facebook pages. Join the discussion!

Next. The Wheel of Time season 2 turns in an epic finale with “What Was Meant To Be”. dark

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