7. The Battle for the Two Rivers
While Rand, Mat and Egwene are off in the Aiel Waste and Nynaeve and Elayne hunt down members of the Black Ajah, Perrin Aybara returns home to the Two Rivers. However, things have changed while he’s been away, and the Two Rivers is now being menaced by both Trollocs and Whitecloaks.
The Battle for the Two Rivers is a major set piece in The Shadow Rising which spans nearly half the book. Perrin is at the center of it, since he arrives in time to help organize the defense against the forces which threaten his home, but he’s far from the only important character involved. Verin, Alanna, Dain Bornhald, the Tinkers and plenty of familiar Two Rivers folk from season 1 will become embroiled in the fight.
We know for sure that The Wheel of Time season 3 will be including the Battle for the Two Rivers because the production rebuilt the set for Emond’s Field, which was destroyed during the series premiere in a Trolloc attack. The battle will probably be the biggest action sequence we get in season 3.

8. The return of Tam al’Thor
In the books, when Perrin returns to the Two Rivers, many of the villagers he’s known since childhood join in his efforts to keep the town safe from the Whitecloaks and Trollocs. Rand’s father, Tam al’Thor, is one who plays a crucial role, since he has prior military experience from the Aiel War.
The Wheel of Time cast Game of Thrones alum Michael McElhatton (Roose Bolton) as Tam, so you know they were always planning on including him more because you don’t get an actor like that just to leave him offscreen. Season 3 will be an ideal time to bring Tam back after he sat out most of season 2.
Having Tam come back in a meaningful way in season 3 could also serve double duty. One important element of Rand’s character journey that fell by the wayside during season 2 is that he’s still reconciling the fact that Tam isn’t his father by blood, which he found out at the end of season 1. This haunts Rand in the novels, leading to some very important scenes down the road.
Tam al’Thor has the potential to be a memorable part of season 3, and I’d be surprised if The Wheel of Time didn’t utilize him in some way.