Take the Black: What do authors like George R.R. Martin and Patrick Rothfuss owe their readers?


As the authors behind The Winds of Winter and The Doors of Stone, George R.R. Martin and Patrick Rothfuss are united in having taken forever to write the next entries in their beloved book series.

Welcome to Take the Black, the show where we blather back and forth about all things sci-fi, fantasy, movies and TV. And sometimes we explore hard-hitting topics of public interest.

Today’s new show is somewhere in the middle. Lately we’ve heard from a pair of fantasy authors who have something in common: fans have been waiting for them to release new books since 2011 and so far they haven’t materialized. On the one there’s George R.R. Martin, the author of the Song of Ice and Fire series; fans have been waiting forever to read The Winds of Winter. Then there’s Patrick Rothfuss, author of The Kingkiller Chronicle. His fans have been waiting just as long to read The Doors of Stone.

Why does the wait for these two books feel different? What, if anything, do these authors owe their fans? What about their publishers? We get into all of it on a new episode of Take the Black. Watch below:

As always, we also talk about what we’re watching and reading in the meantime, among other things. And we invite to join in!

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