The best episode in each Game of Thrones season

Image: Game of Thrones/HBO
Image: Game of Thrones/HBO /
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Game of Thrones season 2: Episode 9, “Blackwater”

If you thought Westeros was just about politics and trading barbs over glasses of wine, “Blackwater” is here to turn up the heat. Literally. Episode 9 of season 2 is the kind of action-packed thrill ride that makes you want to dive behind your couch, then peek out just in time to see green flashes as soldiers scream and die a fiery death. The Battle of Blackwater Bay isn’t just any ol’ skirmish; it’s an all-out, flaming-arrow, wildfire spectacle where our most beloved characters (up to that point in the show, anyway) get to show what they’re made of.

But hey, it’s not all clanging swords and exploding ships. “Blackwater” has its heart in the right place, giving us those sweet, sweet character moments we live for. Ever wondered how heroes (or, let’s be honest, not-so-heroes) handle pressure? Watch Tyrion Lannister’s wit shine brighter than wildfire as he leads soldiers into battle against Stannis Baratheon, or witness Cersei sink to new levels of drunken depravity as she contemplates killing her own son rather than lose him to the enemy. This is an episode that shapes how we see the current characters for the rest of the series: who’s a coward, who’s smart, and who’s just sipping wine and trying to look pretty while trying to hide the fact they’re terrorized?

Game of Thrones season 3, Episode 9: “The Rains of Castamere”

It was a quiet work day for me as I, a former flight attendant, sat in the crew room of my base in Texas and decided that I’d continue my first Game of Thrones watch-through while waiting for my aircraft to arrive. I had three hours to kill; why not, right?

And that was the day all of my fellow flight attendants and pilots thought someone in my family had died as I shut my laptop in tears and hurried to the bathroom. The lesson here was: never watch Game of Thrones in public, especially if the next episode is “The Rains of Castamere.”

This episode takes you on a wild Westerosi roller coaster. I know I use that term a lot, but you physically feel the effects of this episode. Remember those times when you thought you had Game of Thrones figured out? Well, this episode laughs in the face of predictability. Just when you’re settling in, thinking that Robb Stark, his wife Talisa, his mother Catelyn and all their soldiers are about to attend a politically charged gathering where alliances will be made and broken, all of them die at the hands of the vindictive Walder Frey, not someone the fans had given much thought to before this. The turn is so intense you will literally need a few minutes to recover.

The Red Wedding, as it’s now (in)famously known, is the television equivalent of a magic trick gone wrong, where the rabbit jumps out of the hat and slaps you right in the face. It’s jaw-dropping, heart-stopping, and oh-so-brutal, which is exactly what makes Game of Thrones so unforgettable. If you’ve ever wanted to see a masterclass in storytelling that leaves viewers both devastated and in awe, this is the episode to watch. Just make sure you’re home, have tissues, and a blanket to keep yourself warm during this cold-blooded murder fest.