The best episode in each Game of Thrones season

Image: Game of Thrones/HBO
Image: Game of Thrones/HBO /
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Game of Thrones season 6, Episode 10: “The Winds of Winter”

This is personally my favorite episode in the entire show. “The Winds of Winter” is the episode where Westeros gets a little bit of a shake-up and King’s Landing gets a little bit of terraforming thanks to our Queen of RBF, Cersei Lannister. Cersei pulls off her most fiery (literally) plan yet. Just when everyone thought they had her cornered by putting her on trial at the Sept of Baelor, they are bamboozled. She doesn’t show up to her trial and instead blows up the whole Sept, while all of her enemies are inside.

It never really occurred to me why folks insisted in believing Cersei would ever change. She’s an unstoppable force at this point in the show, and this is where she peaks before she falls victim to

horrible writing

the events of the final two seasons (seriously, it’s like after all her children died, so did her spark and sass).

Wildfire everywhere. All her problems gone: Margaery, the High Septon…and also her own son, which she did not intend but when you nuke a city there are collateral consequences. And as the green flames light up the screen, you’re left wondering what Cersei won’t do to prove a point.

But that’s not all this episode has to offer: up in the snowy North, another kind of drama unfolds. Our brooding hero, Jon Snow gets the biggest promotion of his life. From being the underdog (under-direwolf?) to being declared the King in the North, it’s a fist-pump moment for all Jon fans. Plus Arya sticks a pin in Walder Frey, finally getting revenge for the Red Wedding. This episode is one for the books.