5 strongest heroes (and 5 scariest villains) from Invincible season 1

Invincible - Episode 102 - "Here Goes Nothing" -- Pictured: J.K. Simmons (Omni-Man) -- Credit: Courtesy of Amazon Studios
Invincible - Episode 102 - "Here Goes Nothing" -- Pictured: J.K. Simmons (Omni-Man) -- Credit: Courtesy of Amazon Studios /
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Villain: The Sequids

The Sequids are a parasitic hive-mind race of aliens that take control of hosts by latching onto them with tentacles. In episode 4, Invincible accompanies a group of astronauts to Mars, where they are kidnapped by Martians almost immediately.

The Martians explain to Invincible that their planet is infested with Sequids and that the humans are susceptible to infection. Should just one human become a Sequid host, the entire galaxy could be taken over. So Invincible offers to bring the humans home, but the Martians are intent on executing them to not allow the Sequids a chance to spread.

Invincible rushes the astronauts back to their ship while he holds off the Martians and the humans are able to escape with their lives. However, one of the astronauts is hinted to secretly be a Martian stowaway and the end of season 1 reveals that a human was left behind and infected by the Sequids. Since the Martians are immune to infection thanks to their shapeshifting abilities, the Sequids will likely look to Earth for their next victims. This will be a massive problem for Invincible and the rest of Earth’s heroes so the Sequids are up there in terms of planet-threatening villains.

Hero: Monster Girl

Monster Girl is basically the Incredible Hulk, only she can control when she turns into her monster form. However, there is an interesting caveat to her powers as every time she turns into her beast form, her human form gets younger while her monster form gets a bit stronger. This certainly doesn’t take away from the fact that she is one of the strongest non-Viltrumite characters as she is virtually unkillable in her monster form.

Other than being the muscle of the new Guardians of the Globe, Monster Girl shares a unique bond with Robot. The reason Robot had the Mauler Twins make a young version of Rex-Splode as his new human body was because he knew Monster Girl found Rex attractive and he wanted to make himself a similar age so she wouldn’t feel lonely. However weird this relationship seems, trust me it will get weirder if the creators stay close to the source material. Monster Girl and Robot have arguably the most roller coaster storyline of anyone in the comics and I cannot wait for it to play out on screen.