The Marvels comes out! Loki ends strong! So does Attack on Titan! Zelda movie! Other stuff! WiC didn’t lack for news this week.
We’re back with another thrilling edition of WiC Weekly, where we run down the hottest and hippest stories from the past week, so long as as they relate to sci-fi, fantasy, movies and TV, which are the hottest and hippest topics around.
To start, we have a whopper of a reading recommendations list for you as November gets underway. It’s autumn. Time to curl up with a good book:
18 fantasy and science fiction books to read in November 2023:
— Winter is Coming (@WiCnet) November 12, 2023
The Winter King, based on Bernard Cornwell’s wonderful Warlord Chronicles books, has wrapped up its first season. How’d it go?
The Winter King finishes stronger than it began, but is it strong enough?
— Winter is Coming (@WiCnet) November 12, 2023
Speaking of finales, after nearly a decade on the air, the hugely popular anime Attack on Titan has finally wrapped up:
Attack on Titan finale review: Why the ending remains true to the story:
— Winter is Coming (@WiCnet) November 12, 2023
David Tennant is returning as the Doctor on Doctor Who! But it won’t be quite like it was the last time around:
Doctor Who boss explains the difference between the Tenth and Fourteenth Doctors:
— Winter is Coming (@WiCnet) November 12, 2023
Game of Thrones is several years over. But the controversies it inspired will ring in our ears always.
7 most controversial choices made on Game of Thrones:
— Winter is Coming (@WiCnet) November 12, 2023
There are more Star Trek shows on the air now that at pretty much any point in the past. And it may just be the beginning:
“[T]here’s a bunch of new things now in the works” for Star Trek:
— Winter is Coming (@WiCnet) November 12, 2023
Nintendo is making a live-action Legend of Zelda movie! We have thoughts:
Let’s dreamcast The Legend of Zelda live-action movie. Who should play Link, Zelda, etc?
— Winter is Coming (@WiCnet) November 12, 2023
Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck, the authors behind The Expanse series, are back with a new book trilogy:
The Expanse authors to launch new book series with The Mercy of Gods:
— Winter is Coming (@WiCnet) November 12, 2023
We rank every Marvel movie yet made, including the newly released The Marvels:
All 33 movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, ranked worst to best (with The Marvels):
— Winter is Coming (@WiCnet) November 12, 2023
Finally, Netflix dropped a trailer for its live-action Avatar: The Last Airbender remake. It looks pretty good. Dare we hope?
Let’s examine the trailer for Avatar: The Last Airbender shot by shot:
— Winter is Coming (@WiCnet) November 12, 2023
We’ll have more news, more editorials, and more interviews all next week! Stick around.
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